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315 lines
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315 lines
13 KiB
using Godot; |
using static Godot.GD; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using EGFramework; |
using Newtonsoft.Json; |
using System; |
using System.Net; |
namespace EGFramework.Examples{ |
public partial class EGTest : Node,IEGFramework |
{ |
public Label label { set; get; } |
public override void _Ready() |
{ |
this.EGEnabledProtocolTools(); |
this.EGMqtt().ConnectMQTTServer(""); |
//this.EGUDP().UDPDevices[5555].Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""),5353); |
//byte[] sendData = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x5F, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x07, 0x5F, 0x64, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x2D, 0x73, 0x64, 0x04, 0x5F, 0x75, 0x64, 0x70, 0x05, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x01 }; |
//this.EGUDP().UDPDevices[5555].Send(sendData); |
// this.EGRegisterMessageEvent<PrintResponse>((e,sender,protocol)=>{ |
// Print(sender); |
// }); |
// this.EGOnMessage<PrintResponse>(); |
// this.EGReadFromFile("SaveData/MySeg2.seg2"); |
//TestTCPClient(); |
//TestSerialPort(); |
//TestTCPServer(); |
//this.EGUDP(); |
//this.EGUDPListen(11000); |
//this.EGSendMessage(new MessageStruct(1,"xxx"),"",ProtocolType.UDP); |
//this.EGHttpClient(); |
//this.EGHttpServer().Listen("http://+:6555/index/"); |
} |
public override void _Process(double delta) |
{ |
//Print(this.EGMqtt().MqttDevices[""].IsConnected); |
} |
public override void _ExitTree() |
{ |
} |
public void OnButton1Click(){ |
this.EGMqtt().SubScribeTheme("","test"); |
byte[] testData = {0x3A,0x55}; |
this.EGMqtt().PublishTheme("","test",testData); |
} |
public void RefreshMsg(bool coil){ |
label.Text += coil+" "; |
} |
public void OnTimer(){ |
//this.EGSendMessage(new MessageStruct(1,"山东博裕1"),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
//this.EGSendMessage(new MessageStruct(1,"山东博裕1"),"",ProtocolType.TCPClient); |
//this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusTCP_WriteMultiCoil(1,0,sendData),"",ProtocolType.TCPClient); |
//TestSingleCoil(); |
//TestMultiCoil(); |
//TestSingleHoldingRegister(); |
//TestMultiHoldingRegister(); |
} |
public void TestModbus(){ |
label = this.GetNode<Label>("Label"); |
label.Text = "[Modbus]"; |
this.EGRegisterMessageEvent<MessageResponse>((e,sender,type)=>{ |
Print("[Got Response]"+"[sender = "+sender+"]"+"["+type+"]"+ e.MessageId+"||"+e.Author); |
}); |
this.EGOnMessage<MessageResponse>(); |
this.EGRegisterMessageEvent<ModbusTCP_Response>((e,sender,type)=>{ |
if(type == ProtocolType.TCPClient && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadCoil){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(bool coil in e.Coil){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + coil); |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
if(type == ProtocolType.TCPClient && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadDiscreteInput){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(bool discreteInput in e.DiscreteInput){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + discreteInput); |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
if(type == ProtocolType.TCPClient && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadHoldingRegisters){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(ushort holdingRegister in e.HoldingRegister){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + holdingRegister); |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
if(type == ProtocolType.TCPClient && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadInputRegisters){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(ushort inputRegister in e.InputRegister){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + inputRegister); |
label.Text+=registerId + "Status:" + inputRegister; |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
//this.EGOffMessage<ModbusTCP_Response>(); |
}); |
this.EGRegisterMessageEvent<ModbusRTU_Response>((e,sender,type)=>{ |
if(type == ProtocolType.SerialPort && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadCoil){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(bool coil in e.Coil){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + coil); |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
if(type == ProtocolType.SerialPort && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadDiscreteInput){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(bool discreteInput in e.DiscreteInput){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + discreteInput); |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
if(type == ProtocolType.SerialPort && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadHoldingRegisters){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(ushort holdingRegister in e.HoldingRegister){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + holdingRegister); |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
if(type == ProtocolType.SerialPort && e.FunctionType == ModbusFunctionType.ReadInputRegisters){ |
int registerId = 0; |
foreach(ushort inputRegister in e.InputRegister){ |
Print(registerId + "Status:" + inputRegister); |
label.Text+=registerId + "Status:" + inputRegister; |
registerId++; |
} |
} |
//this.EGOffMessage<ModbusRTU_Response>(); |
}); |
} |
public void TestTCPServer(){ |
this.EGTCPServer().OnClientConnect.Register(e=>{ |
Print(e +" is connected"); |
this.EGSendMessage(new MessageStruct(1,"Hello"),e,ProtocolType.TCPServer); |
}); |
this.EGTCPServer().OnClientDisconnect.Register(e=>{ |
Print(e +" is disconnect"); |
}); |
this.EGTCPServerListen(9999); |
} |
public void TestSqlite(){ |
this.EGSqlite().SaveData(new TestBoxMessage()); |
List<TestBoxMessage> result = this.EGSqlite().GetDataSet<TestBoxMessage>(); |
if(result == null){ |
PrintErr(this.EGSqlite().ExceptionMsg); |
} |
Print("Result = " + result[0].TestDouble + result[0].TestFloat); |
} |
public void TestSerialPort(){ |
this.EGSerialPort().SetBaudRate(9600); |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_ReadInputRegisters(1,0,2),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_ReadCoils(1,0,8),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
this.EGOnMessage<ModbusRTU_Response>(); |
} |
public void TestTCPClient(){ |
this.EGTCPClient(); |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusTCP_ReadDiscreteInput(1,0,8),"",ProtocolType.TCPClient); |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusTCP_ReadInputRegisters(1,0,2),"",ProtocolType.TCPClient); |
this.EGOnMessage<ModbusTCP_Response>(); |
} |
private bool IsOpen = false; |
public void TestSingleCoil(){ |
if(IsOpen){ |
//this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteSingleCoil(1,0,false),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusTCP_WriteSingleCoil(1,0,false),"",ProtocolType.TCPClient); |
IsOpen = false; |
}else{ |
//this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteSingleCoil(1,0,true),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusTCP_WriteSingleCoil(1,0,true),"",ProtocolType.TCPClient); |
IsOpen = true; |
} |
} |
public void TestMultiCoil(){ |
byte[] OpenCode = {0xFF}; |
byte[] CloseCode = {0x00}; |
if(IsOpen){ |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteMultiCoil(1,0,CloseCode.ToBoolArray()),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
IsOpen = false; |
}else{ |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteMultiCoil(1,0,OpenCode.ToBoolArray()),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
IsOpen = true; |
} |
} |
public void TestSingleHoldingRegister(){ |
if(IsOpen){ |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteSingleHoldingRegister(1,0,0x00),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
IsOpen = false; |
}else{ |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteSingleHoldingRegister(1,0,0x01),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
IsOpen = true; |
} |
} |
public void TestMultiHoldingRegister(){ |
ushort[] OpenCode = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; |
ushort[] CloseCode = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; |
if(IsOpen){ |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteMultiHoldingRegister(1,0,CloseCode),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
IsOpen = false; |
}else{ |
this.EGSendMessage(new ModbusRTU_WriteMultiHoldingRegister(1,0,OpenCode),"COM4",ProtocolType.SerialPort); |
IsOpen = true; |
} |
} |
} |
public class TestBoxMessage { |
public int Code = 0; |
public float TestFloat = 0.1f; |
public double TestDouble; |
public bool IsHaveMessage; |
public string MessageInfo; |
public MessageType MsgType; |
public MessageStruct MsgStruct; |
public MessagePair MsgPair; |
public TestBoxMessage(){ |
this.Code = 1; |
this.TestFloat = 1.2f; |
this.TestDouble = 2.52; |
this.IsHaveMessage = true; |
this.MessageInfo = "DefaultInfo"; |
MsgType = MessageType.TypeInt; |
MsgPair = new MessagePair(); |
MsgStruct = new MessageStruct(5,"Ad"); |
} |
public string ToProtocolData() |
{ |
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); |
} |
} |
public class MessagePair{ |
public int MessageId; |
public string Author; |
public string MessageInfo; |
public int TimeStamp; |
public MessagePair(){ |
this.MessageId = 10001; |
this.Author = "Admin"; |
this.MessageInfo = "Hello every one!"; |
this.TimeStamp = 1690188342; |
} |
} |
public struct MessageStruct : IRequest,IEGFramework{ |
public string FunctionCode; |
public int MessageId; |
public string Author; |
public MessageStruct(int messageId,string author){ |
FunctionCode = "Message"; |
MessageId = messageId; |
Author = author; |
} |
public byte[] ToProtocolByteData() |
{ |
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this).ToBytesByEncoding("GBK"); |
} |
public string ToProtocolData() |
{ |
return ""; |
//return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); |
} |
} |
public struct MessageResponse : IResponse |
{ |
public string FunctionCode { set; get; } |
public int MessageId; |
public string Author; |
public bool TrySetData(string protocolData, byte[] protocolBytes) |
{ |
try |
{ |
//GD.Print(protocolData); |
MessageResponse res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MessageResponse>(protocolData); |
if(res.FunctionCode == "Message"){ |
this.FunctionCode = res.FunctionCode; |
this.MessageId = res.MessageId; |
this.Author = res.Author; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
catch (Exception) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
} |
} |
public struct PrintResponse : IResponse |
{ |
public bool TrySetData(string protocolData, byte[] protocolBytes) |
{ |
//Print("Received String is " + protocolData); |
Print("Received bytes is " + protocolBytes.ToStringByHex()); |
return true; |
} |
} |
public enum MessageType{ |
TypeString = 1, |
TypeInt = 2, |
TypeObject = 3, |
TypeArray = 4 |
} |
} |