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79 lines
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79 lines
2.2 KiB
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[node name="Gateway" type="Control"] |
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[node name="TcpGateway" type="Control" parent="."] |
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layout_mode = 1 |
anchors_preset = 15 |
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anchor_bottom = 1.0 |
grow_horizontal = 2 |
grow_vertical = 2 |
script = ExtResource("2_ct4oh") |
[node name="BacNetGateway" type="Control" parent="."] |
visible = false |
layout_mode = 1 |
anchors_preset = 15 |
anchor_right = 1.0 |
anchor_bottom = 1.0 |
grow_horizontal = 2 |
grow_vertical = 2 |
script = ExtResource("3_ip8nj") |
[node name="BacnetHttpServer" type="Control" parent="."] |
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text = "Gateway Setting" |
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