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using Godot;
using System;
namespace EGFramework.Examples.TweenAnime{
public partial class TweenTest : Node
[Export] Control Target {set;get;}
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
// Tween tween = GetTree().CreateTween();
// tween.TweenProperty(Target,"color",Colors.Red,1.0f);
// tween.TweenProperty(Target,"color",Colors.Green,1.0f);
// tween.TweenProperty(Target,"color",Colors.Blue,1.0f);
// tween.SetLoops();
// Tween tween2 = GetTree().CreateTween();
// tween2.TweenProperty(Target,"position",new Vector2(100,0),1.0f);
// tween2.TweenProperty(Target,"position",new Vector2(100,100),1.0f);
// tween2.TweenProperty(Target,"position",new Vector2(0,100),1.0f);
// tween2.TweenProperty(Target,"position",new Vector2(0,0),1.0f);
// tween2.TweenCallback(Callable.From(TweenOver));
// tween2.SetLoops();
Tween tween3 = GetTree().CreateTween();
tween3.TweenProperty(Target,"size",new Vector2(100,40),0.5f);
tween3.TweenProperty(Target,"size",new Vector2(40,100),0.5f);
tween3.TweenProperty(Target,"size",new Vector2(40,40),0.5f);
public void TweenOver(){
// Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
public override void _Process(double delta)