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109 lines
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109 lines
3.3 KiB
using EGFramework; |
using EGFramework.Examples.Gateway; |
using Godot; |
using System; |
namespace EGFramework.Examples.Gateway{ |
public partial class ViewModbusGateway : Control,IEGFramework,IGateway |
{ |
public DataModbusGatewaySetting Setting { set; get; } |
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. |
public override void _Ready() |
{ |
this.EGEnabledProtocolTool<EGSerialPort>(); |
this.EGEnabledProtocolTool<EGTCPClient>(); |
this.EGSerialPort().SetBaudRate(9600); |
// ReadTest(); |
// ReadTest2(); |
// ReadTest3(); |
// ReadTest3(); |
// ReadTest2(); |
// ReadTest(); |
WriteTest1(); |
WriteTest2(); |
} |
// Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. |
public override void _Process(double delta) |
{ |
} |
public void InitGateway() |
{ |
if(this.EGSave().GetDataByFile<DataModbusGatewaySetting>() == null){ |
Setting = new DataModbusGatewaySetting(); |
this.EGSave().SetDataToFile(Setting); |
}else{ |
Setting = this.EGSave().GetDataByFile<DataModbusGatewaySetting>(); |
} |
this.EGEnabledProtocolTool<EGTCPClient>(); |
this.EGEnabledProtocolTool<EGSerialPort>(); |
//this.EGOnMessage<GateWayMessage>(); |
} |
public async void ReadTest(){ |
ModbusRTU_Response? result = await this.EGModbus().ReadRTUAsync(ModbusRegisterType.HoldingRegister,"COM4",0x01,0x00,0x01); |
if(result != null){ |
if(!((ModbusRTU_Response)result).IsError){ |
GD.Print("Register[0]"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result).HoldingRegister[0]); |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Error:"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result).ErrorCode); |
} |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Timeout!"); |
} |
} |
public async void ReadTest2(){ |
ModbusRTU_Response? result2 = await this.EGModbus().ReadRTUAsync(ModbusRegisterType.Coil,"COM4",0x01,0x01,0x01); |
if(result2 != null){ |
if(!((ModbusRTU_Response)result2).IsError){ |
GD.Print("Register[1]"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result2).Coil[0]); |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Error:"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result2).ErrorCode); |
} |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Timeout!"); |
} |
} |
public async void ReadTest3(){ |
ModbusRTU_Response? result3 = await this.EGModbus().ReadRTUAsync(ModbusRegisterType.DiscreteInput,"COM4",0x01,0x01,0x01); |
if(result3 != null){ |
if(!((ModbusRTU_Response)result3).IsError){ |
GD.Print("Register[2]"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result3).DiscreteInput[0]); |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Error:"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result3).ErrorCode); |
} |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Timeout!"); |
} |
} |
public async void WriteTest1(){ |
ModbusRTU_Response? result = await this.EGModbus().WriteOnceRTUAsync(ModbusRegisterType.HoldingRegister,"COM4",0x01,0x02,(ushort)0x50); |
if(result != null){ |
if(!((ModbusRTU_Response)result).IsError){ |
GD.Print("Write[1]"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result).FunctionType); |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Error:"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result).ErrorCode); |
} |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Timeout!"); |
} |
} |
public async void WriteTest2(){ |
ModbusRTU_Response? result = await this.EGModbus().WriteOnceRTUAsync(ModbusRegisterType.Coil,"COM4",0x01,0x02,true); |
if(result != null){ |
if(!((ModbusRTU_Response)result).IsError){ |
GD.Print("Write[2]"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result).FunctionType); |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Error:"+((ModbusRTU_Response)result).ErrorCode); |
} |
}else{ |
GD.Print("Timeout!"); |
} |
} |
} |