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1440 lines
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1440 lines
59 KiB
using Guidaoji.Camera; |
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; |
using System; |
using System.CodeDom.Compiler; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
//using System.DirectoryServices; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Net; |
using System.Net.Sockets; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Text.Encodings.Web; |
using System.Text.Json; |
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; |
using System.Text.Unicode; |
using System.Threading; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using System.Xml.Linq; |
using static Guidaoji.Camera.CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_WIFI_CFG_EX; |
//using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType; |
namespace Guidaoji.Common |
{ |
internal class TcpClientWrapper |
{ |
public static Socket socket_commu; |
public GuiDaoJi guiDaoJi = new GuiDaoJi(); |
//接收Json串 |
public static string sRetResule = null; |
//位置 |
public static string[] dPos = { "0", "0" }; |
//连接成功标志 |
private static bool bConnect = false; |
//轨道机返回对象 |
private static GuiDaoJiRet readAndSetRet = new GuiDaoJiRet(); |
//轨道机返回Upload对象 |
public static GuiDaoJiRet uploadRet = new GuiDaoJiRet(); |
//alarm对象 |
private static GuiDaoJiRet alarmRet = new GuiDaoJiRet(); |
//轨道机客户端IP |
private static string sGuidaojiClientIP = ""; |
private static int iGuidaojiClientPort = 20000; |
//客户端IP |
//private static string sClientIP = ""; |
private static string sClientIP = ""; |
private static int iClientPort = 20001; |
//客户端1IP |
private static string sUnityClientIP = ""; |
private static int iUnityClientPort = 20002; |
private static Dictionary<int, Socket> dict = new Dictionary<int, Socket>(); |
public static void Socket(string ip, int port) |
{ |
PrintInfo("Socket is begin......"); |
Socket server_socketListen = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); |
//server_socketListen.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); |
//IPAddress ips = IPAddress.Parse(""); |
//IPEndPoint ipNode = new IPEndPoint(ips, 20000);//网络端点:为IP地址和端口号 |
// //服务端必须绑定一个端口才能listen(),要不然客户端就不知道该连哪个端口了 |
//byte[] b = { 0x00, 0x6d }; |
//int I = BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(b)); |
IPAddress ips = IPAddress.Parse(ip); |
IPEndPoint ipNode = new IPEndPoint(ips, port); |
try |
{ |
server_socketListen.Bind(ipNode); |
PrintInfo("服务器已启动......"); |
sClientIP = ip; |
//监听后,如果客户端这时调用connect()发出连接请求,服务器端就会接收到这个请求 |
//listen函数将socket变为被动类型的,等待客户的连接请求。 |
server_socketListen.Listen(10); |
//开启线程监听客户端 |
Thread t = new Thread(Execute); |
t.IsBackground = true; |
t.Start(server_socketListen); |
PrintInfo("服务器启动监听成功!"); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
PrintInfo(ex.ToString()); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 监听客户端线程 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="obj"></param> |
private static void Execute(System.Object obj) |
{ |
Socket server = (Socket)obj; |
while (true) |
{ |
//服务端有两个socket;这里Accept()返回的相当于是客户端的socket,用于和客户端发送(send)和接收(recv)数据 |
PrintInfo("等待客户端连接......"); |
Socket client = server.Accept(); |
//客户端IP和端口号 |
string clientIP = client.RemoteEndPoint == null ? "" : client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); |
clientIP = clientIP.Substring(0, clientIP.LastIndexOf(':')); |
int clientPort = ((IPEndPoint)client.RemoteEndPoint).Port; |
// 将与客户端连接的 套接字 对象添加到集合中; |
dict.Add(clientPort, client); |
PrintInfo(string.Format("客户端连接成功!IP:{0},端口号:{1}", clientIP, clientPort)); |
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("客户端连接成功!IP:{0},端口号:{1}", clientIP, clientPort)); |
if (clientPort == iClientPort) |
{ |
bConnect = true; |
Console.WriteLine("连接成功"); |
PrintInfo("客户端连接成功连接成功......"); |
PrintInfo("Socket is end......"); |
Thread t = new Thread(ClientExecute); |
t.IsBackground = true; |
t.Start(client); |
} |
else if (clientPort == iUnityClientPort) |
{ |
bConnect = true; |
Console.WriteLine("连接成功"); |
PrintInfo("客户端连接成功连接成功......"); |
PrintInfo("Socket is end......"); |
Thread t = new Thread(UnityClientExecute); |
t.IsBackground = true; |
t.Start(client); |
} |
else |
{ |
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; |
int count = client.Receive(buffer); |
if (buffer[0] == 0x43 && buffer[1] == 0x48) |
{ |
bConnect = true; |
iGuidaojiClientPort = clientPort; |
Console.WriteLine("连接成功"); |
PrintInfo("客户端连接成功连接成功......"); |
PrintInfo("Socket is end......"); |
Thread t = new Thread(GuidaojiExecute); |
t.IsBackground = true; |
t.Start(client); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 接收轨道机客户端数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="obj"></param> |
private static void GuidaojiExecute(object obj) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuidaojiExecute(object obj) is begin"); |
Socket client = (Socket)obj; |
try |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; |
int count = client.Receive(buffer); |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
//连接断开 |
if (count == 0) |
{ |
//删除字典组中的socket |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iGuidaojiClientPort)) |
{ |
DeleteValue(iGuidaojiClientPort); |
} |
break; |
} |
if (count > 0) |
{ |
//校验包头 |
if (buffer[0] == 0x43 && buffer[1] == 0x48) |
{ |
PrintInfo("校验包头成功"); |
//校验长度 |
byte[] length = new byte[2]; |
Array.Copy(buffer, 2, length, 0, 2); |
PrintByte("接收长度:" + count + ";长度:", length); |
PrintInfo("接收长度:" + count + ";长度:" + BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(length),0)); |
int iCount = (int)BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(length),0); |
short sCount = BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(length),0); |
iCount = sCount; |
if (count == iCount) |
{ |
PrintInfo("校验长度成功"); |
// 计算校验码 |
byte[] data = new byte[count - 2]; |
Array.Copy(buffer, 0, data, 0, count - 2); |
ushort checkBit = ModbusCRC16.CalculateCrc(data); |
PrintByte("校验码:", data); |
//判断校验码 |
//if ((byte)checkBit == buffer[count - 2] && (byte)(checkBit >> 8) == buffer[count - 1]) |
if ((byte)checkBit == buffer[count - 1] && (byte)(checkBit >> 8) == buffer[count - 2]) |
{ |
PrintInfo("校验码成功"); |
//判断设备地址 |
//todo |
//处理数据 |
try |
{ |
//提取Json数据 |
string jsonResult = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 8, count - 10); |
PrintInfo("接收唐山客户端数据:", jsonResult); |
//将JSON解析为指定类型的对象 |
var guiDaoJiRetTemp = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GuiDaoJiRet>(jsonResult); |
if (guiDaoJiRetTemp != null) |
{ |
//取出在轨道机接收到的数据 |
byte[] receiveData = new byte[count]; |
Array.Copy(buffer, 0, receiveData, 0, count); |
if (guiDaoJiRetTemp.action == "upload") |
{ |
//自动应答 |
byte[] senddata = SendDataUpload(); |
uploadRet = guiDaoJiRetTemp; |
//分别给唐山客户端、unity客户端转发数据 |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iClientPort)) |
{ |
dict[iClientPort].Send(receiveData); |
PrintInfo("Send to Client :", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receiveData)); |
} |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iUnityClientPort)) |
{ |
dict[iUnityClientPort].Send(receiveData); |
PrintInfo("Send to UnityClient :", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receiveData)); |
} |
} |
else if (guiDaoJiRetTemp.action == "set" || guiDaoJiRetTemp.action == "read") |
{ |
readAndSetRet = guiDaoJiRetTemp; |
PrintInfo("存放到服务器数据:", readAndSetRet.uid + ":" +; |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
PrintInfo("ClientExecute(object obj) is end false", ex.Message); |
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); |
continue; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
DeleteValue(iGuidaojiClientPort); |
PrintInfo("ClientExecute(object obj) is end false", ex.Message); |
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 接收唐山客户端数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="obj"></param> |
private static void ClientExecute(object obj) |
{ |
PrintInfo("ClientExecute(object obj) is begin"); |
Socket client = (Socket)obj; |
try |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; |
int count = client.Receive(buffer); |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
//连接断开 |
if (count == 0) |
{ |
//删除字典组中的socket |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iClientPort)) |
{ |
DeleteValue(iClientPort); |
} |
break; |
} |
PrintInfo("接收唐山客户端数据:", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, count)); |
PrintByte("接收唐山客户端数据:", buffer); |
if (count == 1) |
{ |
char cCommand = Convert.ToChar(buffer[0]); |
switch (cCommand) |
{ |
case (char)ControlCommands.F: //前进 |
GuiDaoFOrB(600); |
break; |
case (char)ControlCommands.B: //后退 |
GuiDaoFOrB(0); |
break; |
case (char)ControlCommands.U: //上升 |
GuiDaoJiUOrD(0); |
break; |
case (char)ControlCommands.D: //下降 |
GuiDaoJiUOrD(28); |
break; |
case (char)ControlCommands.S: //停止 |
GuiDaoJiStop(); |
break; |
case (char)ControlCommands.R: //位置复位 |
SendReturn(); |
break; |
case (char)ControlCommands.E: //故障复位 |
SendReset(); |
break; |
default: break; |
} |
} |
else if (count > 1) |
{ |
//校验包头 |
if (buffer[0] == 0x43 && buffer[1] == 0x48) |
{ |
PrintInfo("校验包头成功"); |
//校验长度 |
byte[] length = new byte[2]; |
Array.Copy(buffer, 2, length, 0, 2); |
PrintByte("接收长度:" + count + ";长度:", length); |
PrintInfo("接收长度:" + count + ";长度:" + BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(length), 0)); |
int iCount = (int)BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(length), 0); |
short sCount = BitConverter.ToInt16(FZ(length),0); |
iCount = sCount; |
if (count == iCount) |
{ |
PrintInfo("校验长度成功"); |
// 计算校验码 |
byte[] data = new byte[count - 2]; |
Array.Copy(buffer, 0, data, 0, count - 2); |
ushort checkBit = ModbusCRC16.CalculateCrc(data); |
PrintByte("校验码:", data); |
//判断校验码 |
//if ((byte)checkBit == buffer[count - 2] && (byte)(checkBit >> 8) == buffer[count - 1]) |
if ((byte)checkBit == buffer[count - 1] && (byte)(checkBit >> 8) == buffer[count - 2]) |
{ |
PrintInfo("校验码成功"); |
//判断设备地址 |
//todo |
//处理数据 |
try |
{ |
//提取Json数据 |
string jsonResult = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 8, count - 10); |
PrintInfo("接收唐山客户端数据:", jsonResult); |
//将JSON解析为指定类型的对象 |
var guiDaoJiRetTemp = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GuiDaoJiRet>(jsonResult); |
if (guiDaoJiRetTemp != null && guiDaoJiRetTemp.action == "alarm") |
{ |
alarmRet = guiDaoJiRetTemp; |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
PrintInfo("ClientExecute(object obj) is end false", ex.Message); |
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); |
continue; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
DeleteValue(iClientPort); |
PrintInfo("ClientExecute(object obj) is end false", ex.Message); |
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 接收Unity客户端数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="obj"></param> |
private static void UnityClientExecute(object obj) |
{ |
PrintInfo("UnityClientExecute(object obj) is begin"); |
Socket client = (Socket)obj; |
try |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; |
int count = client.Receive(buffer); |
//连接断开 |
if (count == 0) |
{ |
//删除字典组中的socket |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iUnityClientPort)) |
{ |
DeleteValue(iUnityClientPort); |
} |
break; |
} |
if (count > 0) |
{ |
//将接收到的数据转换为字符串 |
string response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, count); |
//获取Json数据的起始位置和长度 |
int startIndex = response.IndexOf('{'); |
int endIndex = response.LastIndexOf('}'); |
int jsonLength = endIndex - startIndex + 1; |
//提取Json数据 |
string jsonResult = response.Substring(startIndex, jsonLength); |
//将JSON解析为指定类型的对象 |
try |
{ |
var guiDaoJiRetTemp = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GuiDaoJiRet>(jsonResult); |
if (guiDaoJiRetTemp != null) |
{ |
if (guiDaoJiRetTemp.action == "upload") |
{ |
//自动应答 |
byte[] senddata = SendDataUpload(); |
if (senddata != null) |
{ |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iUnityClientPort)) |
{ |
dict[iUnityClientPort].Send(senddata); |
PrintInfo("Send to UnityClient:", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(senddata, 0, senddata.Length)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
PrintInfo("UnityClientExecute(object obj) is end false", ex.Message); |
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
DeleteValue(iUnityClientPort); |
PrintInfo("UnityClientExecute(object obj) is end false", ex.Message); |
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 读轨道机位置 |
/// </summary> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static GuiDaoJiRet SendDataRead() |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataRead() is begin"); |
string uid = "XJ00001"; |
string action = "read"; |
DateTime date = DateTime.Now; |
string fort = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
Console.WriteLine(fort); |
// 创建JSON数据对象 |
var json = new |
{ |
uid = uid, |
action = action, |
date = fort |
}; |
// 将JSON数据对象序列化为字符串 |
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }; |
string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(json, options); |
Console.WriteLine(jsonString); |
// 将JSON字符串转换为字节数组 |
byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); |
// 定义包头和设备地址 |
ushort baoTou = 0x4348; |
ushort ADDR1 = 0x7; |
ushort ADDR2 = 0xc925; |
// 计算数据长度 |
ushort length = (ushort)(10 + dataBytes.Length); |
Console.WriteLine(length); |
// 将数据长度转换为字节数组并存储到集合中 |
List<byte> numberBytesList = new List<byte>(); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(baoTou)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(length)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR1)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR2)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(dataBytes); |
//// 将包头、数据长度、设备地址和校验码组合成一个完整的字节数组 |
//List<byte> combineBytes = new List<byte>(); |
//foreach (var item in numberBytesList) |
//{ |
// combineBytes.Add(item); |
//} |
//var hex = BitConverter.ToString(dataBytes, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
//Console.WriteLine(hex); |
byte[] Bytes = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
// 计算校验码 |
ushort checkBit = ModbusCRC16.CalculateCrc(Bytes); |
byte[] ushortBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(checkBit); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(checkBit)); |
byte[] data = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
var hex = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
Console.WriteLine(hex); |
// 将字节数组转换为大端字节序 |
//var finalBytes = Bytes.SelectMany(i => BitConverter.GetBytes(i)).ToArray(); |
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) |
{ |
// 发送数据 |
PrintInfo("Send data:", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length)); |
return (SendDataRead(data)); |
} |
PrintInfo("SendDataRead() is end false"); |
return null; |
} |
public static bool SendDataSet(GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJiSet) |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataSet(GuiDaoJi guiDaoJi) is begin"); |
// 将JSON数据对象序列化为字符串 |
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.Create(UnicodeRanges.All) }; |
string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(guiDaoJiSet, options); |
PrintInfo("Json串:" + jsonString); |
// 将JSON字符串转换为字节数组 |
// 将字符串转换为GB2312编码的字节数组 |
//注册 |
Encoding.RegisterProvider(System.Text.CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); |
Encoding gb2312 = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"); |
byte[] dataBytes = gb2312.GetBytes(jsonString); |
//byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); |
PrintByte("---", dataBytes); |
// 定义包头和设备地址 |
ushort baoTou = 0x4348; |
ushort ADDR1 = 0x7; |
ushort ADDR2 = 0xc925; |
// 计算数据长度 |
int ushortSize = sizeof(ushort); |
int totalUshortSize = 2 * ushortSize; |
ushort length = (ushort)(10 + dataBytes.Length); |
// 将数据长度转换为字节数组并存储到集合中 |
List<byte> numberBytesList = new List<byte>(); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(baoTou)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(length)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR1)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR2)); |
//// 将包头、数据长度、设备地址和校验码组合成一个完整的字节数组 |
//List<byte> combineBytes = new List<byte>(); |
//foreach (var item in numberBytesList) |
//{ |
// combineBytes.Add(item); |
//} |
numberBytesList.AddRange(dataBytes); |
//var hex = BitConverter.ToString(dataBytes, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
//Console.WriteLine(hex); |
byte[] Bytes = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
// 计算校验码 |
ushort checkBit = ModbusCRC16.CalculateCrc(Bytes); |
// 将校验码转换为字节数组 |
byte[] ushortBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(checkBit); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(checkBit)); |
byte[] data = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
var hex = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
Console.WriteLine(hex); |
// 将字节数组转换为大端字节序 |
//var finalBytes = Bytes.SelectMany(i => BitConverter.GetBytes(i)).ToArray(); |
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) |
{ |
// 发送数据 |
if (SendDataSet(data) != null) |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataSet(GuiDaoJi guiDaoJi) is end true"); |
return true; |
} |
} |
PrintInfo("SendDataSet(GuiDaoJi guiDaoJi) is end false"); |
return false; |
} |
public static byte[] SendDataUpload() |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataUpload() is begin"); |
string uid = "XJ00001"; |
string action = "upload"; |
string result = "OK"; |
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
// 创建JSON数据对象 |
var json = new |
{ |
uid = uid, |
action = action, |
date = date, |
result = result |
}; |
// 将JSON数据对象序列化为字符串 |
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }; |
string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(json, options); |
// 将JSON字符串转换为字节数组 |
byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); |
// 定义包头和设备地址 |
ushort baoTou = 0x4348; |
ushort ADDR1 = 0x7; |
ushort ADDR2 = 0xc925; |
// 计算数据长度 |
int ushortSize = sizeof(ushort); |
int totalUshortSize = 2 * ushortSize; |
ushort length = (ushort)(10 + dataBytes.Length); |
// 将数据长度转换为字节数组并存储到集合中 |
List<byte> numberBytesList = new List<byte>(); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(baoTou)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(length)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR1)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR2)); |
// 将包头、数据长度、设备地址和校验码组合成一个完整的字节数组 |
//List<byte> combineBytes = new List<byte>(); |
//foreach (var item in numberBytesList) |
//{ |
// combineBytes.Add(item); |
//} |
numberBytesList.AddRange(dataBytes); |
//var hex = BitConverter.ToString(dataBytes, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
//Console.WriteLine(hex); |
byte[] Bytes = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
// 计算校验码 |
ushort checkBit = ModbusCRC16.CalculateCrc(Bytes); |
// 将校验码转换为字节数组 |
byte[] ushortBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(checkBit); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(checkBit)); |
byte[] data = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
var hex = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
Console.WriteLine(hex); |
// 将字节数组转换为大端字节序 |
//var finalBytes = Bytes.SelectMany(i => BitConverter.GetBytes(i)).ToArray(); |
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) |
{ |
// 给轨道机客户端回数据 |
//socket_commu.Send(data); |
PrintInfo("SendDataUpload() is end true. 给轨道机客户端回数据:", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length)); |
return data; |
} |
else |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataUpload() is end false"); |
return null; |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 发送报警信息 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="sAlarmMessage"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool SendDataAlarm(string sAlarmMessage) |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataAlarm(string sAlarmMessage) is begin"); |
string uid = "XJ00001"; |
string action = "alarm"; |
string result = sAlarmMessage; |
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
// 创建JSON数据对象 |
var json = new |
{ |
uid = uid, |
action = action, |
date = date, |
result = result |
}; |
// 将JSON数据对象序列化为字符串 |
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }; |
string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(json, options); |
// 将JSON字符串转换为字节数组 |
byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); |
// 定义包头和设备地址 |
ushort baoTou = 0x4348; |
ushort ADDR1 = 0x7; |
ushort ADDR2 = 0xc925; |
// 计算数据长度 |
int ushortSize = sizeof(ushort); |
int totalUshortSize = 2 * ushortSize; |
ushort length = (ushort)(10 + dataBytes.Length); |
// 将数据长度转换为字节数组并存储到集合中 |
List<byte> numberBytesList = new List<byte>(); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(baoTou)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(length)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR1)); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(ADDR2)); |
// 将包头、数据长度、设备地址和校验码组合成一个完整的字节数组 |
//List<byte> combineBytes = new List<byte>(); |
//foreach (var item in numberBytesList) |
//{ |
// combineBytes.Add(item); |
//} |
numberBytesList.AddRange(dataBytes); |
//var hex = BitConverter.ToString(dataBytes, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
//Console.WriteLine(hex); |
byte[] Bytes = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
// 计算校验码 |
ushort checkBit = ModbusCRC16.CalculateCrc(Bytes); |
// 将校验码转换为字节数组 |
byte[] ushortBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(checkBit); |
numberBytesList.AddRange(FZ(checkBit)); |
byte[] data = numberBytesList.ToArray(); |
var hex = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower(); |
Console.WriteLine(hex); |
// 将字节数组转换为大端字节序 |
//var finalBytes = Bytes.SelectMany(i => BitConverter.GetBytes(i)).ToArray(); |
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) |
{ |
if (SendDataAlarm(data) != null) |
{ |
PrintInfo("SendDataAlarm(string sAlarmMessage) is end true"); |
return true; |
} |
} |
PrintInfo("SendDataAlarm(string sAlarmMessage) is end false"); |
return false; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 移动轨道机过程 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iMoveX">前后</param> |
/// <param name="iMoveY">上下</param> |
/// <param name="iSelIndex">选择通道</param> |
/// <param name="sViedoPath">保存视频路径</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool GuiDaoJMove(double iMoveX, double iMoveY, int iSelIndex, string sViedoPath) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJMove(double iMoveX, double iMoveY, int iSelIndex, string sViedoPath)", iMoveX.ToString() + ":" + iMoveY); |
if (!bConnect) |
return false; |
if ([0] == 1) |
{ |
PrintInfo("报警返回"); |
return false; |
} |
GuiDaoJiRet guiDaoJiRet = SendDataRead(); |
if (guiDaoJiRet != null) |
{ |
PrintInfo("------------1-----------"); |
//如果需要移动的位置和当前位置一致 |
if (iMoveX.ToString() == && iMoveY.ToString() == |
{ |
PrintInfo("------------2-----------"); |
return true; |
} |
CHNetHelp.SaveViedo(true, iSelIndex, sViedoPath); |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJi = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJi.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJi.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJi.send_gap = 1; |
guiDaoJi.cont = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJi.move = 1; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.rate = 2; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.x =; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = iMoveY.ToString(); |
guiDaoJi.voice = 0; |
guiDaoJi.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
//如果轨道机在上面 |
if ( != "0.0") |
{ |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = "0.0"; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
if (SendDataSet(guiDaoJi)) |
{ |
PrintInfo("--------------向上-------------", dPos[0] + ":" + dPos[1]); |
while (true) |
{ |
if (double.Parse(dPos[1]) == 0) |
break; |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
} |
} |
guiDaoJi.moveda.x = iMoveX.ToString(); |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = "0.0"; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
if (SendDataSet(guiDaoJi)) |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
PrintInfo("--------------向前-------------"); |
if (dPos[0] == iMoveX.ToString()) |
break; |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
guiDaoJi.moveda.x = iMoveX.ToString(); |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = iMoveY.ToString(); |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
if (SendDataSet(guiDaoJi)) |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
PrintInfo("--------------向下-------------"); |
if (dPos[1] == iMoveY.ToString()) |
{ |
CHNetHelp.SaveViedo(false, iSelIndex, sViedoPath); |
return true; |
} |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
} |
} |
CHNetHelp.SaveViedo(false, iSelIndex, sViedoPath); |
} |
return false; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道机上下移动 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iMoveX">前后</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveX, double iMoveY) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is begin"); |
if (!bConnect) |
return false; |
if ([0] == 1) |
{ |
PrintInfo("报警返回"); |
return false; |
} |
GuiDaoJiRet guiDaoJiRet1 = SendDataRead(); |
if (guiDaoJiRet1 != null) |
{ |
PrintInfo(guiDaoJiRet1.uid + ":" +; |
////如果需要移动的位置和当前位置一致 |
//if ( == "0.0" || == "-0.0") |
// return true; |
PrintInfo("------------2-------------", Math.Round((double.Parse( + iMoveX), 1).ToString() + ":" + Math.Round(double.Parse( + iMoveY, 1).ToString()); |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJiSet = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJiSet.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJiSet.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJiSet.send_gap = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.cont = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.move = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.rate = 2; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.x = Math.Round((double.Parse( + iMoveX), 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y = Math.Round(double.Parse( + iMoveY, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.voice = 0; |
//Voiceda voiceda = new Voiceda(); |
//voiceda.@string = ""; |
//guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.Add(voiceda); |
guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
PrintInfo("------------3-------------", guiDaoJiSet.uid + ":" + guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJiSet); |
} |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is end false"); |
return false; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道机前后移动 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iMoveX">前后</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool GuiDaoFOrB(double iMoveX) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is begin"); |
if (!bConnect) |
return false; |
if ([0] == 1) |
{ |
PrintInfo("报警返回"); |
return false; |
} |
GuiDaoJiRet guiDaoJiRet1 = SendDataRead(); |
if (guiDaoJiRet1 != null) |
{ |
PrintInfo(guiDaoJiRet1.uid + ":" +; |
////如果需要移动的位置和当前位置一致 |
//if ( == "0.0" || == "-0.0") |
// return true; |
PrintInfo("------------2-------------", Math.Round((double.Parse( + iMoveX), 1).ToString()); |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJiSet = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJiSet.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJiSet.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJiSet.send_gap = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.cont = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.move = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.rate = 2; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.x = Math.Round(iMoveX, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y = Math.Round(double.Parse(, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.voice = 0; |
//Voiceda voiceda = new Voiceda(); |
//voiceda.@string = ""; |
//guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.Add(voiceda); |
guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
PrintInfo("------------3-------------", guiDaoJiSet.uid + ":" + guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJiSet); |
} |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is end false"); |
return false; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道机上下移动 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iMoveY">上下</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool GuiDaoJiUOrD(double iMoveY) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is begin"); |
if (!bConnect) |
return false; |
if ([0] == 1) |
{ |
PrintInfo("报警返回"); |
return false; |
} |
GuiDaoJiRet guiDaoJiRet1 = SendDataRead(); |
if (guiDaoJiRet1 != null) |
{ |
PrintInfo(guiDaoJiRet1.uid + ":" +; |
////如果需要移动的位置和当前位置一致 |
//if ( == "0.0" || == "-0.0") |
// return true; |
PrintInfo("------------2-------------", Math.Round(double.Parse( + iMoveY, 1).ToString()); |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJiSet = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJiSet.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJiSet.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJiSet.send_gap = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.cont = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.move = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.rate = 2; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.x = Math.Round(double.Parse(, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y = Math.Round(iMoveY, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.voice = 0; |
//Voiceda voiceda = new Voiceda(); |
//voiceda.@string = ""; |
//guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.Add(voiceda); |
guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
PrintInfo("------------3-------------", guiDaoJiSet.uid + ":" + guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJiSet); |
} |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is end false"); |
return false; |
} |
public static void GuiDaoJiStop() |
{ |
PrintInfo("------------Stop1-------------"); |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJiSet = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJiSet.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJiSet.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJiSet.send_gap = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.cont = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.move = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.rate = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.x = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJiSet.voice = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
PrintInfo("------------Stop2-------------", guiDaoJiSet.uid + ":" + guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y); |
SendDataSet(guiDaoJiSet); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道机上下移动 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iMoveX">前后</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool GuiDaoJiMove(double iMoveX, double iMoveY) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiUpOrDown(double iMoveY) is begin"); |
if (!bConnect) |
return false; |
if ([0] == 1) |
{ |
PrintInfo("报警返回"); |
return false; |
} |
PrintInfo("------------2-------------"); |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJiSet = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJiSet.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJiSet.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJiSet.send_gap = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.cont = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.move = 1; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.rate = 2; |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.x = Math.Round(iMoveX, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y = Math.Round(iMoveY, 1).ToString(); |
guiDaoJiSet.voice = 0; |
guiDaoJiSet.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
PrintInfo("------------3-------------", guiDaoJiSet.uid + ":" + guiDaoJiSet.moveda.y); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJiSet); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道机移动 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iLed">灯状态</param> |
/// <param name="sVoice">语音播放内容</param> |
public static bool SetLedAndVoice(int iLed, string sVoice) |
{ |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJi = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJi.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJi.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJi.send_gap = 2; |
guiDaoJi.cont = 1; |
guiDaoJi.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.lamp = iLed; |
guiDaoJi.move = 0; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.rate = 0; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.x = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJi.voice = 1; |
guiDaoJi.voiceda.@string = sVoice; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJi); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道故障复位 |
/// </summary> |
public static bool SendReset() |
{ |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJi = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJi.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJi.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJi.send_gap = 2; |
guiDaoJi.cont = 1; |
guiDaoJi.contda.@return = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.reset = 1; |
guiDaoJi.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJi.move = 0; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.rate = 0; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.x = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJi.voice = 0; |
guiDaoJi.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJi); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 轨道位置复位 |
/// </summary> |
public static bool SendReturn() |
{ |
string sUid = "XJ00001"; |
GuiDaoJiSet guiDaoJi = new GuiDaoJiSet(); |
guiDaoJi.uid = sUid; |
guiDaoJi.action = "set"; |
guiDaoJi.send_gap = 2; |
guiDaoJi.cont = 1; |
guiDaoJi.contda.@return = 1; |
guiDaoJi.contda.reset = 0; |
guiDaoJi.contda.lamp = 0; |
guiDaoJi.move = 0; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.rate = 0; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.x = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJi.moveda.y = "0.0"; |
guiDaoJi.voice = 0; |
guiDaoJi.voiceda.@string = ""; |
| = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
return SendDataSet(guiDaoJi); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 向轨道机客户端发数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="btData"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static GuiDaoJiRet SendDataSet(byte[] btData) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataSet(byte[] btData) is begin"); |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iGuidaojiClientPort)) |
{ |
dict[iGuidaojiClientPort].Send(btData); |
uint time = 50; |
while (time-- != 0) |
{ |
PrintInfo("time:", time.ToString()); |
PrintInfo("sSetState:", "set"); |
if (readAndSetRet != null && readAndSetRet.action == "set") |
{ |
GuiDaoJiRet sData = readAndSetRet; |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataSet(byte[] btData) is end true. ", readAndSetRet.uid + ":" +; |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataSet(byte[] btData) is end true. ", sData.uid + ":" +; |
return sData; |
} |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
} |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataSet(byte[] btData) is end false"); |
return null; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 向轨道机客户端发数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="btData"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static GuiDaoJiRet SendDataRead(byte[] btData) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataRead(byte[] btData) is begin"); |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iGuidaojiClientPort)) |
{ |
dict[iGuidaojiClientPort].Send(btData); |
uint time = 50; |
while (time-- != 0) |
{ |
PrintInfo("time:", time.ToString()); |
PrintInfo("sSetState:", "read"); |
if (readAndSetRet != null && readAndSetRet.action == "read") |
{ |
GuiDaoJiRet sData = readAndSetRet; |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataRead(byte[] btData) is end true. ", readAndSetRet.uid + ":" +; |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataRead(byte[] btData) is end true. ", sData.uid + ":" +; |
return sData; |
} |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
} |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataRead(byte[] btData) is end false"); |
return null; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 向唐山客户端发数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="btData"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static GuiDaoJiRet SendDataAlarm(byte[] btData) |
{ |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataAlarm(byte[] btData) is begin"); |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iClientPort)) |
{ |
dict[iClientPort].Send(btData); |
uint time = 50; |
while (time-- != 0) |
{ |
PrintInfo("time:", time.ToString()); |
PrintInfo("sSetState:", "alarm"); |
if (alarmRet != null && alarmRet.action == "alarm") |
{ |
GuiDaoJiRet sData = alarmRet; |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataAlarm(byte[] btData) is end true. ", alarmRet.uid + ":" + alarmRet.result); |
return sData; |
} |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
} |
PrintInfo("GuiDaoJiRet SendDataAlarm(byte[] btData) is end false"); |
return null; |
} |
public static void Close() |
{ |
socket_commu.Close(); |
Console.WriteLine("关闭成功"); |
} |
static byte[] FZ(ushort val) |
{ |
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val); |
byte aa = bytes[0]; |
bytes[0] = bytes[1]; |
bytes[1] = aa; |
return bytes; |
} |
static byte[] FZ(byte[] bytes) |
{ |
byte aa = bytes[0]; |
bytes[0] = bytes[1]; |
bytes[1] = aa; |
return bytes; |
} |
public static void PrintInfo(string funcName, string funcOper = null) |
{ |
//记录时间 |
string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
//获取行号 |
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(1, true); |
int i = st.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber(); |
//组织打印信息 |
string sFileInfo = "[" + i + "]:" + time + " " + funcName + " " + funcOper + "\n"; |
//创建日志文件夹. |
string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Log"; |
string txtName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd") + ".txt"; |
try |
{ |
// 文件夹不存在则创建 |
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) |
{ |
Directory.CreateDirectory(path); |
} |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString()); |
} |
finally { } |
try |
{ |
//向文本中输入日志 |
FileStream fileLog = new FileStream(path + @"\" + txtName + "", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); |
StreamWriter writeFileLog = new StreamWriter(fileLog); |
writeFileLog.Write(sFileInfo); |
//清空缓冲区 |
writeFileLog.Flush(); |
//关闭流 |
writeFileLog.Close(); |
fileLog.Close(); |
//释放流 |
fileLog.Dispose(); |
//向输出流打印日志 |
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, null, sFileInfo); |
} |
catch { } |
} |
public static void PrintInt(string funcName, int[] funcOper = null) |
{ |
//记录时间 |
string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
//获取行号 |
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(1, true); |
int i = st.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber(); |
//组织打印信息 |
string sFileInfo = "[" + i + "]:" + time + " " + funcName + " "; |
if (funcOper != null) |
{ |
for (int j = 0; j < funcOper.Length; j++) |
{ |
sFileInfo += funcOper[j].ToString() + " "; |
} |
sFileInfo += "\n"; |
} |
//创建日志文件夹. |
string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Log"; |
string txtName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd") + ".txt"; |
try |
{ |
// 文件夹不存在则创建 |
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) |
{ |
Directory.CreateDirectory(path); |
} |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString()); |
} |
finally { } |
try |
{ |
//向文本中输入日志 |
FileStream fileLog = new FileStream(path + @"\" + txtName + "", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); |
StreamWriter writeFileLog = new StreamWriter(fileLog); |
writeFileLog.Write(sFileInfo); |
//清空缓冲区 |
writeFileLog.Flush(); |
//关闭流 |
writeFileLog.Close(); |
fileLog.Close(); |
//释放流 |
fileLog.Dispose(); |
//向输出流打印日志 |
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, null, sFileInfo); |
} |
catch { } |
} |
private static void DeleteValue(int iPort) |
{ |
//删除字典组中的socket |
if (dict.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == iPort)) |
{ |
dict[iPort].Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); |
dict[iPort].Close(); |
dict[iPort].Dispose(); |
dict[iPort] = null; |
dict.Remove(iPort); |
} |
} |
public static void PrintByte(string funcName, byte[] data) |
{ |
string sData = BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace('-', ' '); |
//记录时间 |
string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); |
//获取行号 |
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(1, true); |
int i = st.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber(); |
//组织打印信息 |
string sFileInfo = "[" + i + "]:" + time + " " + funcName + " " + sData + "\r\n"; |
//创建日志文件夹. |
string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Log"; |
string txtName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd") + ".txt"; |
try |
{ |
// 文件夹不存在则创建 |
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) |
{ |
Directory.CreateDirectory(path); |
} |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString()); |
} |
finally { } |
try |
{ |
//向文本中输入日志 |
FileStream fileLog = new FileStream(path + @"\" + txtName + "", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); |
StreamWriter writeFileLog = new StreamWriter(fileLog); |
writeFileLog.Write(sFileInfo); |
//清空缓冲区 |
writeFileLog.Flush(); |
//关闭流 |
writeFileLog.Close(); |
fileLog.Close(); |
//释放流 |
fileLog.Dispose(); |
//向输出流打印日志 |
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, null, sFileInfo); |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString()); |
//MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); |
} |
} |
} |