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514 lines
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514 lines
20 KiB
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Threading; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using static Guidaoji.Camera.CHCNetSDK; |
namespace Guidaoji.Camera |
{ |
public class CHNetHelp |
{ |
private int counter = 0; |
private static CHNetHelp _instance; |
// 私有构造函数以防止外部实例化 |
public CHNetHelp() { } |
//海康辅助函数:add by lee start |
private static uint iLastErr = 0; |
private static Int32 m_lUserID = -1; |
private static bool m_bInitSDK = false; |
private static bool m_bRecord = false; |
private static bool m_bTalk = false; |
private static Int32 m_lRealHandle = -1;//m_lRealHandle |
private static int lVoiceComHandle = -1; |
private static string str; |
//相机参数通过PtzGet()获得 |
private static float WPanPos, WTiltPos, WZoomPos; |
private static bool m_param_get_flag = false;//当获取成功后设置为true |
private static int[] iChannelNum = new int[96]; |
// 公共静态方法用于获取类的实例 |
public static CHNetHelp GetInstance() |
{ |
if (_instance == null) |
{ |
_instance = new CHNetHelp(); |
} |
return _instance; |
} |
//登录相关 |
static CHCNetSDK.REALDATACALLBACK RealData = null; |
static CHCNetSDK.LOGINRESULTCALLBACK LoginCallBack = null; |
public static CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PTZPOS m_struPtzCfg; |
public static CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_USER_LOGIN_INFO struLogInfo; |
public static CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V40 DeviceInfo; |
public delegate void UpdateTextStatusCallback(string strLogStatus, IntPtr lpDeviceInfo); |
//云台相关 |
private bool bAuto = false; |
//private uint iLastErr = 0; |
public static int PreSetNo = 0; |
//public CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PTZPOS m_struPtzCfg; |
public static CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PTZSCOPE m_struPtzCfg1; |
public static CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PRESET_NAME[] m_struPreSetCfg = new CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PRESET_NAME[300]; |
public static void cbLoginCallBack(int lUserID, int dwResult, IntPtr lpDeviceInfo, IntPtr pUser) |
{ |
string strLoginCallBack = "登录设备,lUserID:" + lUserID + ",dwResult:" + dwResult; |
if (dwResult == 0) |
{ |
uint iErrCode = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
strLoginCallBack = strLoginCallBack + ",错误号:" + iErrCode; |
} |
} |
//初始化并用固定IP的登录 |
public static bool CameraInit(string sIP, string sPassword) |
{ |
PrintInfo("登录....."); |
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) |
{ |
iChannelNum[i] = i; |
} |
m_bInitSDK = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Init(); |
if (m_bInitSDK == false) |
{ |
//MessageBox.Show("NET_DVR_Init error!"); |
return false; |
} |
else |
{ |
//保存SDK日志 To save the SDK log |
CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SetLogToFile(3, "C:\\SdkLog\\", true); |
} |
//MessageBox.Show("camera Init m_bInitSDK=="+ m_bInitSDK); |
//登录 |
// 固定的设备IP地址192.168.10.102 |
string fixedIP = sIP; |
byte[] byIP = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(fixedIP); |
struLogInfo.sDeviceAddress = new byte[129]; |
byIP.CopyTo(struLogInfo.sDeviceAddress, 0); |
//设备用户名 |
string fixedName = "admin"; |
byte[] byUserName = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(fixedName); |
struLogInfo.sUserName = new byte[64]; |
byUserName.CopyTo(struLogInfo.sUserName, 0); |
//设备密码ch123456 |
string fixedPassword = sPassword; |
byte[] byPassword = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(fixedPassword); |
struLogInfo.sPassword = new byte[64]; |
byPassword.CopyTo(struLogInfo.sPassword, 0); |
struLogInfo.wPort = ushort.Parse("8000");//设备服务端口号 |
if (LoginCallBack == null) |
{ |
LoginCallBack = new CHCNetSDK.LOGINRESULTCALLBACK(cbLoginCallBack);//注册回调函数 |
} |
struLogInfo.cbLoginResult = LoginCallBack; |
struLogInfo.bUseAsynLogin = false; //是否异步登录:0- 否,1- 是 |
DeviceInfo = new CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V40(); |
//登录设备 Login the device |
m_lUserID = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Login_V40(ref struLogInfo, ref DeviceInfo); |
if (m_lUserID < 0) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_Login_V40 failed, error code= " + iLastErr; //登录失败,输出错误号 |
//MessageBox.Show(str); |
} |
else |
{ |
//登录成功 |
//MessageBox.Show("Login Success!"); |
} |
PrintInfo("登录结束....."); |
return true; |
} |
//显示视频画面 |
//public static void StartStopLiveView(System.Windows.Forms.Panel panel, string channel, bool isStreamID = false, string streamID = "") |
//{ |
// if (m_lUserID < 0) |
// { |
// MessageBox.Show("Please login to the device first."); |
// return; |
// } |
// if (m_lRealHandle < 0) |
// { |
// lpPreviewInfo.hPlayWnd = panel.Handle; // 预览窗口 |
// lpPreviewInfo.lChannel = Int16.Parse(channel); // 预览的设备通道 |
// lpPreviewInfo.dwStreamType = 0;//码流类型:0-主码流,1-子码流,2-码流3,3-码流4,以此类推 |
// lpPreviewInfo.dwLinkMode = 0;//连接方式:0- TCP方式,1- UDP方式,2- 多播方式,3- RTP方式,4-RTP/RTSP,5-RSTP/HTTP |
// lpPreviewInfo.bBlocked = true; //0- 非阻塞取流,1- 阻塞取流 |
// lpPreviewInfo.dwDisplayBufNum = 1; //播放库播放缓冲区最大缓冲帧数 |
// lpPreviewInfo.byProtoType = 0; |
// lpPreviewInfo.byPreviewMode = 0; |
// if (isStreamID) |
// { |
// lpPreviewInfo.lChannel = -1; |
// byte[] byStreamID = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(streamID); |
// lpPreviewInfo.byStreamID = new byte[32]; |
// byStreamID.CopyTo(lpPreviewInfo.byStreamID, 0); |
// } |
// // ... 实时流回调函数和预览逻辑 ... |
// if (RealData == null) |
// { |
// RealData = new CHCNetSDK.REALDATACALLBACK(RealDataCallBack);//预览实时流回调函数 |
// } |
// m_lRealHandle = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40(m_lUserID, ref lpPreviewInfo, RealData, IntPtr.Zero); |
// if (m_lRealHandle < 0) |
// { |
// // ... 处理预览失败逻辑 ... |
// iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
// str = "NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40 failed, error code= " + iLastErr; //预览失败,输出错误号 |
// MessageBox.Show(str); |
// return; |
// } |
// } |
// else |
// { |
// // 停止预览 |
// if (CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_StopRealPlay(m_lRealHandle)) |
// { |
// m_lRealHandle = -1; |
// } |
// else |
// { |
// // ... 处理停止预览失败逻辑 ... |
// } |
// } |
//} |
//你可以定义一个方法 RealDataCallBack,它将在有新的视频数据到达时被调用。 |
public static void RealDataCallBack(Int32 lRealHandle, UInt32 dwDataType, IntPtr pBuffer, UInt32 dwBufSize, IntPtr pUser) |
{ |
if (dwBufSize > 0) |
{ |
byte[] sData = new byte[dwBufSize]; |
Marshal.Copy(pBuffer, sData, 0, (Int32)dwBufSize); |
string str = "实时流数据.ps"; |
FileStream fs = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create); |
int iLen = (int)dwBufSize; |
fs.Write(sData, 0, iLen); |
fs.Close(); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 抓拍并保存图片 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="iSelIndex">选择通道</param> |
/// <param name="sFilePath">照片存放路径</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool JPEG(int iSelIndex, string sFilePath) |
{ |
PrintInfo("抓图开始....."); |
int lChannel = iChannelNum[iSelIndex]; //通道号 Channel number |
lpJpegPara.wPicQuality = 0; //图像质量 Image quality |
lpJpegPara.wPicSize = 0xff; //抓图分辨率 Picture size: 0xff-Auto(使用当前码流分辨率) |
//抓图分辨率需要设备支持,更多取值请参考SDK文档 |
//JPEG抓图保存成文件 Capture a JPEG picture |
//string sJpegPicFileName; |
//sJpegPicFileName = "filetest.jpg";//图片保存路径和文件名 the path and file name to save |
if (!CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture(m_lUserID, lChannel, ref lpJpegPara, sFilePath)) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture failed, error code= " + iLastErr; |
PrintInfo(str); |
return false; |
} |
else |
{ |
str = "NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture succ and the saved file is " + sFilePath; |
PrintInfo(str); |
} |
//JEPG抓图,数据保存在缓冲区中 Capture a JPEG picture and save in the buffer |
uint iBuffSize = 400000; //缓冲区大小需要不小于一张图片数据的大小 The buffer size should not be less than the picture size |
byte[] byJpegPicBuffer = new byte[iBuffSize]; |
uint dwSizeReturned = 0; |
if (!CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture_NEW(m_lUserID, lChannel, ref lpJpegPara, byJpegPicBuffer, iBuffSize, ref dwSizeReturned)) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture_NEW failed, error code= " + iLastErr; |
PrintInfo(str); |
return false; |
} |
else |
{ |
//将缓冲区里的JPEG图片数据写入文件 save the data into a file |
FileStream fs = new FileStream(sFilePath, FileMode.Create); |
int iLen = (int)dwSizeReturned; |
fs.Write(byJpegPicBuffer, 0, iLen); |
fs.Close(); |
str = "NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture_NEW succ and save the data in buffer to 'buffertest.jpg'."; |
PrintInfo(str); |
} |
PrintInfo("抓图结束....."); |
return true; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 设置摄像头移动 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="operationType">运动类型</param> |
/// <param name="fP">水平移动</param> |
/// <param name="fT">垂直移动</param> |
/// <param name="fZ">焦距</param> |
public static bool PtzSet(OperationType operationType, float fP, float fT, float fZ) |
{ |
PrintInfo("摄像头移动开始....."); |
int flag = 1; |
String str1, str2, str3; |
switch ((int)operationType)//操作类型 |
{ |
case 0: |
flag = 0; |
m_struPtzCfg.wAction = 1; |
str1 = Convert.ToString(fP * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wPanPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str1, 16)); |
str2 = Convert.ToString(fT * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wTiltPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str2, 16)); |
str3 = Convert.ToString(fZ * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wZoomPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str3, 16)); |
break; |
case 1: |
flag = 0; |
m_struPtzCfg.wAction = 2; |
str1 = Convert.ToString(fP * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wPanPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str1, 16)); |
break; |
case 2: |
flag = 0; |
m_struPtzCfg.wAction = 3; |
str2 = Convert.ToString(fT * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wTiltPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str2, 16)); |
break; |
case 3: |
flag = 0; |
m_struPtzCfg.wAction = 4; |
str3 = Convert.ToString(fZ * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wZoomPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str3, 16)); |
break; |
case 4: |
flag = 0; |
m_struPtzCfg.wAction = 5; |
str1 = Convert.ToString(fP * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wPanPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str1, 16)); |
str2 = Convert.ToString(fT * 10); |
m_struPtzCfg.wTiltPos = (ushort)(Convert.ToUInt16(str2, 16)); |
break; |
} |
bool bFlag = false; |
if (flag == 0) |
{ |
Int32 nSize = Marshal.SizeOf(m_struPtzCfg); |
IntPtr ptrPtzCfg = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nSize); |
Marshal.StructureToPtr(m_struPtzCfg, ptrPtzCfg, false); |
if (!CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig(m_lUserID, CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SET_PTZPOS, 1, ptrPtzCfg, (UInt32)nSize)) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig failed, error code= " + iLastErr; |
//设置POS参数失败 |
//MessageBox.Show(str); |
} |
else |
{ |
bFlag = true; |
//MessageBox.Show("设置成功!"); |
} |
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrPtzCfg); |
} |
PrintInfo("摄像头移动结束....."); |
return bFlag; |
} |
//获取相机焦距位置相关,P,T(ilt),zoom,m_param_get_flag 设置为true; |
public static float[] PtzGet() |
{ |
float[] ret = { -1F, -1F, -1F }; |
UInt32 dwReturn = 0; |
Int32 nSize = Marshal.SizeOf(m_struPtzCfg); |
IntPtr ptrPtzCfg = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nSize); |
Marshal.StructureToPtr(m_struPtzCfg, ptrPtzCfg, false); |
//获取参数失败 |
if (!CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig(m_lUserID, CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GET_PTZPOS, -1, ptrPtzCfg, (UInt32)nSize, ref dwReturn)) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig failed, error code= " + iLastErr; |
//MessageBox.Show(str); |
return ret; |
} |
else |
{ |
m_struPtzCfg = (CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PTZPOS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrPtzCfg, typeof(CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_PTZPOS)); |
//成功获取显示ptz参数 |
ushort wPanPos = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToString(m_struPtzCfg.wPanPos, 16)); |
ret[0] = WPanPos = wPanPos * 0.1f; |
//textBoxPanPos.Text = Convert.ToString(WPanPos); |
ushort wTiltPos = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToString(m_struPtzCfg.wTiltPos, 16)); |
ret[1] = WTiltPos = wTiltPos * 0.1f; |
// textBoxTiltPos.Text = Convert.ToString(WTiltPos); |
ushort wZoomPos = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToString(m_struPtzCfg.wZoomPos, 16)); |
ret[2] = WZoomPos = wZoomPos * 0.1f; |
//textBoxZoomPos.Text = Convert.ToString(WZoomPos); |
m_param_get_flag = true; |
return ret; |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 保存录像 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="bTranscribe">true:开始录像;false:停止录像</param> |
/// <param name="iSelIndex">选择通道</param> |
/// <param name="sViedoPath">视频保存路径</param> |
public static bool SaveViedo(bool bTranscribe, int iSelIndex, string sViedoPath) |
{ |
PrintInfo(sViedoPath); |
if (bTranscribe == true) |
{ |
PrintInfo("保存录像开始....."); |
//强制I帧 Make one key frame |
int lChannel = iChannelNum[iSelIndex]; //通道号 Channel number |
CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_MakeKeyFrame(m_lUserID, lChannel); |
//开始录像 Start recording |
if (!CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_SaveRealData(m_lRealHandle, sViedoPath)) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_SaveRealData failed, error code= " + iLastErr; |
PrintInfo(str); |
return false; |
} |
else |
{ |
PrintInfo("NET_DVR_SaveRealData succ!"); |
return true; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
PrintInfo("保存录像结束....."); |
//停止录像 Stop recording |
if (!CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_StopSaveRealData(m_lRealHandle)) |
{ |
iLastErr = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_GetLastError(); |
str = "NET_DVR_StopSaveRealData failed, error code= " + iLastErr; |
PrintInfo(str); |
return false; |
} |
else |
{ |
str = "NET_DVR_StopSaveRealData succ and the saved file is " + sViedoPath; |
PrintInfo(str); |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 移动摄像头过程 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="operationType">控制类型</param> |
/// <param name="fP">水平移动</param> |
/// <param name="fT">垂直移动</param> |
/// <param name="fZ">焦距</param> |
/// <param name="iSelIndex">选择通道</param> |
/// <param name="sFilePath">抓拍路径</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static bool SetCameraProcess(OperationType operationType, float fP, float fT, float fZ, int iSelIndex, string sFilePath) |
{ |
//移动摄像头 |
if (PtzSet(operationType, fP, fT, fZ)) |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
float[] fCameraPose = PtzGet(); |
if (fCameraPose[0] == fP && fCameraPose[1] == fT && fCameraPose[2] == fZ) |
{ |
break; |
} |
Thread.Sleep(100); |
} |
//拍照 |
if (JPEG(iSelIndex, sFilePath)) |
return true; |
else return false; |
} |
else |
return false; |
} |
public static void PrintInfo(string str) |
{ |
string Folder = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Logs"; |
string FileNamme = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Logs\Info_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt"; |
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Folder)) |
{ |
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Folder); |
} |
using (TextWriter fw = new StreamWriter(FileNamme, true)) |
{ |
try |
{ |
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(FileNamme); |
fw.WriteLine(str); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
fw.WriteLine(ex.Message); |
} |
finally |
{ |
fw.Close(); |
fw.Dispose(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 操作类型 |
/// </summary> |
public enum OperationType |
{ |
PTZ, //倾斜+焦距 |
P, //水平运动 |
T, //上下运动 |
Z, //焦距 |
PT //倾斜运动 |
} |