You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
553 lines
18 KiB
553 lines
18 KiB
3 years ago
fileFormatVersion: 2
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timeCreated: 1506938147
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 22
100000: LowMan
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100010: LowMan_LeftFoot
100012: LowMan_LeftForeArm
100014: LowMan_LeftHand
100016: LowMan_LeftHandMiddle1
100018: LowMan_LeftHandMiddle2
100020: LowMan_LeftHandThumb1
100022: LowMan_LeftHandThumb2
100024: LowMan_LeftLeg
100026: LowMan_LeftShoulder
100028: LowMan_LeftToeBase
100030: LowMan_LeftUpLeg
100032: LowMan_Neck
100034: LowMan_Reference
100036: LowMan_RightArm
100038: LowMan_RightFoot
100040: LowMan_RightForeArm
100042: LowMan_RightHand
100044: LowMan_RightHandMiddle1
100046: LowMan_RightHandMiddle2
100048: LowMan_RightHandThumb1
100050: LowMan_RightHandThumb2
100052: LowMan_RightLeg
100054: LowMan_RightShoulder
100056: LowMan_RightToeBase
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100064: LowMan_Spine2
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100072: LowManLeftFoot
100074: LowManLeftForeArm
100076: LowManLeftHand
100078: LowManLeftHandMiddle1
100080: LowManLeftHandMiddle2
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100088: LowManLeftToeBase
100090: LowManLeftUpLeg
100092: LowManNeck
100094: LowManRightArm
100096: LowManRightFoot
100098: LowManRightForeArm
100100: LowManRightHand
100102: LowManRightHandMiddle1
100104: LowManRightHandMiddle2
100106: LowManRightHandThumb1
100108: LowManRightLeg
100110: LowManRightShoulder
100112: LowManRightToeBase
100114: LowManRightUpLeg
100116: LowManSkeleton
100118: LowManSpine
100120: LowManSpine1
100122: LowManSpine2
400000: LowMan
400002: //RootNode
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400006: LowMan_Hips
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400012: LowMan_LeftForeArm
400014: LowMan_LeftHand
400016: LowMan_LeftHandMiddle1
400018: LowMan_LeftHandMiddle2
400020: LowMan_LeftHandThumb1
400022: LowMan_LeftHandThumb2
400024: LowMan_LeftLeg
400026: LowMan_LeftShoulder
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400030: LowMan_LeftUpLeg
400032: LowMan_Neck
400034: LowMan_Reference
400036: LowMan_RightArm
400038: LowMan_RightFoot
400040: LowMan_RightForeArm
400042: LowMan_RightHand
400044: LowMan_RightHandMiddle1
400046: LowMan_RightHandMiddle2
400048: LowMan_RightHandThumb1
400050: LowMan_RightHandThumb2
400052: LowMan_RightLeg
400054: LowMan_RightShoulder
400056: LowMan_RightToeBase
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400060: LowMan_Spine
400062: LowMan_Spine1
400064: LowMan_Spine2
400066: LowManHead
400068: LowManHips
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400072: LowManLeftFoot
400074: LowManLeftForeArm
400076: LowManLeftHand
400078: LowManLeftHandMiddle1
400080: LowManLeftHandMiddle2
400082: LowManLeftHandThumb1
400084: LowManLeftLeg
400086: LowManLeftShoulder
400088: LowManLeftToeBase
400090: LowManLeftUpLeg
400092: LowManNeck
400094: LowManRightArm
400096: LowManRightFoot
400098: LowManRightForeArm
400100: LowManRightHand
400102: LowManRightHandMiddle1
400104: LowManRightHandMiddle2
400106: LowManRightHandThumb1
400108: LowManRightLeg
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400112: LowManRightToeBase
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400116: LowManSkeleton
400118: LowManSpine
400120: LowManSpine1
400122: LowManSpine2
2300000: LowMan
3300000: LowMan
4300000: LowMan
7400000: Take 001
9500000: //RootNode
13700000: LowMan
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