using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; public class GunShoot : MonoBehaviour { public float fireRate = 0.25f; // Number in seconds which controls how often the player can fire public float weaponRange = 20f; // Distance in Unity units over which the player can fire public Transform gunEnd; public ParticleSystem muzzleFlash; public ParticleSystem cartridgeEjection; public GameObject metalHitEffect; public GameObject sandHitEffect; public GameObject stoneHitEffect; public GameObject waterLeakEffect; public GameObject waterLeakExtinguishEffect; public GameObject[] fleshHitEffects; public GameObject woodHitEffect; private float nextFire; // Float to store the time the player will be allowed to fire again, after firing private Animator anim; private GunAim gunAim; void Start () { anim = GetComponent (); gunAim = GetComponentInParent(); } void Update () { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && Time.time > nextFire && !gunAim.GetIsOutOfBounds()) { nextFire = Time.time + fireRate; muzzleFlash.Play(); cartridgeEjection.Play(); anim.SetTrigger ("Fire"); Vector3 rayOrigin = gunEnd.position; RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, gunEnd.forward, out hit, weaponRange)) { HandleHit(hit); } } } void HandleHit(RaycastHit hit) { if(hit.collider.sharedMaterial != null) { string materialName =; switch(materialName) { case "Metal": SpawnDecal(hit, metalHitEffect); break; case "Sand": SpawnDecal(hit, sandHitEffect); break; case "Stone": SpawnDecal(hit, stoneHitEffect); break; case "WaterFilled": SpawnDecal(hit, waterLeakEffect); SpawnDecal(hit, metalHitEffect); break; case "Wood": SpawnDecal(hit, woodHitEffect); break; case "Meat": SpawnDecal(hit, fleshHitEffects[Random.Range(0, fleshHitEffects.Length)]); break; case "Character": SpawnDecal(hit, fleshHitEffects[Random.Range(0, fleshHitEffects.Length)]); break; case "WaterFilledExtinguish": SpawnDecal(hit, waterLeakExtinguishEffect); SpawnDecal(hit, metalHitEffect); break; } } } void SpawnDecal(RaycastHit hit, GameObject prefab) { GameObject spawnedDecal = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(hit.normal)); spawnedDecal.transform.SetParent(hit.collider.transform); } }