VR模拟枪支打靶,消灭鬼怪,换弹以及上弦等等硬核枪支操作。 使用HTCVive设备,开启SteamVR进行游玩。
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

767 lines
32 KiB

//========= Copyright 2016-2018, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. ===========
using HTC.UnityPlugin.Utility;
using HTC.UnityPlugin.VRModuleManagement;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive
public class VIUVersionCheck : EditorWindow
private struct RepoInfo
public string tag_name;
public string body;
private interface IPropSetting
bool SkipCheck();
void UpdateCurrentValue();
bool IsIgnored();
bool IsUsingRecommendedValue();
void DoDrawRecommend();
void AcceptRecommendValue();
void DoIgnore();
void DeleteIgnore();
public class RecommendedSetting<T> : IPropSetting
private const string fmtTitle = "{0} (current = {1})";
private const string fmtRecommendBtn = "Use recommended ({0})";
private const string fmtRecommendBtnWithPosefix = "Use recommended ({0}) - {1}";
private string m_settingTitle;
private string m_settingTrimedTitle;
private string ignoreKey { get { return m_settingTrimedTitle; } }
public string settingTitle { get { return m_settingTitle; } set { m_settingTitle = value; m_settingTrimedTitle = value.Replace(" ", ""); } }
public string recommendBtnPostfix = string.Empty;
public string toolTip = string.Empty;
public Func<bool> skipCheckFunc = null;
public Func<T> recommendedValueFunc = null;
public Func<T> currentValueFunc = null;
public Action<T> setValueFunc = null;
public T currentValue = default(T);
public T recommendedValue = default(T);
public T GetRecommended() { return recommendedValueFunc == null ? recommendedValue : recommendedValueFunc(); }
public bool SkipCheck() { return skipCheckFunc == null ? false : skipCheckFunc(); }
public bool IsIgnored() { return VIUProjectSettings.HasIgnoreKey(ignoreKey); }
public bool IsUsingRecommendedValue() { return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(currentValue, GetRecommended()); }
public void UpdateCurrentValue() { currentValue = currentValueFunc(); }
public void DoDrawRecommend()
GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(string.Format(fmtTitle, settingTitle, currentValue), toolTip));
bool recommendBtnClicked;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recommendBtnPostfix))
recommendBtnClicked = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(string.Format(fmtRecommendBtn, GetRecommended()), toolTip));
recommendBtnClicked = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(string.Format(fmtRecommendBtnWithPosefix, GetRecommended(), recommendBtnPostfix), toolTip));
if (recommendBtnClicked)
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Ignore", toolTip)))
public void AcceptRecommendValue()
public void DoIgnore()
public void DeleteIgnore()
public const string lastestVersionUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity/releases/latest";
public const string pluginUrl = "https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity/releases";
public const double versionCheckIntervalMinutes = 30.0;
private const string nextVersionCheckTimeKey = "ViveInputUtility.LastVersionCheckTime";
private const string fmtIgnoreUpdateKey = "DoNotShowUpdate.v{0}";
private static string ignoreThisVersionKey;
private static bool completeCheckVersionFlow = false;
private static WWW www;
private static RepoInfo latestRepoInfo;
private static Version latestVersion;
private static Vector2 releaseNoteScrollPosition;
private static Vector2 settingScrollPosition;
private static bool showNewVersion;
private static bool toggleSkipThisVersion = false;
private static VIUVersionCheck windowInstance;
private static List<IPropSetting> s_settings;
private Texture2D viuLogo;
/// <summary>
/// Count of settings that are ignored
/// </summary>
public static int ignoredSettingsCount { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Count of settings that are not using recommended value
/// </summary>
public static int shouldNotifiedSettingsCount { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Count of settings that are not ignored and not using recommended value
/// </summary>
public static int notifiedSettingsCount { get; private set; }
public static bool recommendedWindowOpened { get { return windowInstance != null; } }
static VIUVersionCheck()
EditorApplication.update += CheckVersionAndSettings;
public static void AddRecommendedSetting<T>(RecommendedSetting<T> setting)
private static void InitializeSettins()
if (s_settings != null) { return; }
s_settings = new List<IPropSetting>();
//s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
// settingTitle = "Virtual Reality Supported",
// currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettingsEditor.virtualRealitySupported,
// setValueFunc = v => VIUSettingsEditor.virtualRealitySupported = v,
// recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Virtual Reality Supported with OpenVR",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.canSupportOpenVR,
currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettingsEditor.supportOpenVR,
setValueFunc = v => VIUSettingsEditor.supportOpenVR = v,
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Virtual Reality Supported with Oculus",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.canSupportOculus,
currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettingsEditor.supportOculus,
setValueFunc = v => VIUSettingsEditor.supportOculus = v,
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Virtual Reality Supported with Daydream",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.canSupportDaydream,
currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettingsEditor.supportDaydream,
setValueFunc = v => VIUSettingsEditor.supportDaydream = v,
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<BuildTarget>()
settingTitle = "Build Target",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || VIUSettingsEditor.activeBuildTargetGroup != BuildTargetGroup.Standalone,
currentValueFunc = () => EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget,
setValueFunc = v =>
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTargetAsync(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, v);
#elif UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, v);
recommendedValue = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Load Binding Config on Start",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.supportOpenVR,
toolTip = "You can change this option later in Edit -> Preferences... -> VIU Settings.",
currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettings.autoLoadBindingConfigOnStart,
setValueFunc = v => { VIUSettings.autoLoadBindingConfigOnStart = v; },
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Binding Interface Switch",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.supportOpenVR,
toolTip = VIUSettings.BIND_UI_SWITCH_TOOLTIP + " You can change this option later in Edit -> Preferences... -> VIU Settings.",
currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettings.enableBindingInterfaceSwitch,
setValueFunc = v => { VIUSettings.enableBindingInterfaceSwitch = v; },
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "External Camera Switch",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportOpenVR,
toolTip = VIUSettings.EX_CAM_UI_SWITCH_TOOLTIP + " You can change this option later in Edit -> Preferences... -> VIU Settings.",
currentValueFunc = () => VIUSettings.enableExternalCameraSwitch,
setValueFunc = v => { VIUSettings.enableExternalCameraSwitch = v; },
recommendedValue = true,
#if UNITY_5_3
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Stereoscopic Rendering",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.stereoscopic3D,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.stereoscopic3D = v,
recommendedValue = false,
#if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<RenderingPath>()
settingTitle = "Rendering Path",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyVR,
recommendBtnPostfix = "required for MSAA",
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.renderingPath,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.renderingPath = v,
recommendedValue = RenderingPath.Forward,
// Unity 5.3 doesn't have SplashScreen for VR
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Show Unity Splash Screen",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !InternalEditorUtility.HasPro() || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.showUnitySplashScreen,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.showUnitySplashScreen = v,
recommendedValue = false,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "GPU Skinning",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.gpuSkinning,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.gpuSkinning = v,
recommendedValueFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.supportWaveVR,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<Vector2>()
settingTitle = "Default Screen Size",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => new Vector2(PlayerSettings.defaultScreenWidth, PlayerSettings.defaultScreenHeight),
setValueFunc = v => { PlayerSettings.defaultScreenWidth = (int)v.x; PlayerSettings.defaultScreenHeight = (int)v.y; },
recommendedValue = new Vector2(1024f, 768f),
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Run In Background",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.runInBackground,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.runInBackground = v,
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<ResolutionDialogSetting>()
settingTitle = "Display Resolution Dialog",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = v,
recommendedValue = ResolutionDialogSetting.HiddenByDefault,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Resizable Window",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.resizableWindow,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.resizableWindow = v,
recommendedValue = true,
#if !UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Default Is Fullscreen",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.defaultIsFullScreen,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.defaultIsFullScreen = v,
recommendedValue = false,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<D3D11FullscreenMode>()
settingTitle = "D3D11 Fullscreen Mode",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.d3d11FullscreenMode,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.d3d11FullscreenMode = v,
recommendedValue = D3D11FullscreenMode.FullscreenWindow,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<FullScreenMode>()
settingTitle = "Fullscreen Mode",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.fullScreenMode,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.fullScreenMode = v,
recommendedValue = FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Visible In Background",
skipCheckFunc = () => VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyStandaloneVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.visibleInBackground,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.visibleInBackground = v,
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<ColorSpace>()
settingTitle = "Color Space",
skipCheckFunc = () => (VRModule.isSteamVRPluginDetected && VIUSettingsEditor.activeBuildTargetGroup == BuildTargetGroup.Standalone) || !VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyVR,
recommendBtnPostfix = "requires reloading scene",
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.colorSpace,
setValueFunc = v =>
if (VIUSettingsEditor.supportAnyAndroidVR)
PlayerSettings.colorSpace = v;
PlayerSettings.SetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs(BuildTarget.Android, false);
var listChanged = false;
var apiList = ListPool<GraphicsDeviceType>.Get();
if (!apiList.Contains(GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES3)) { apiList.Add(GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES3); listChanged = true; }
// FIXME: Daydream SDK currently not support Vulkan API
if (apiList.Remove(GraphicsDeviceType.Vulkan)) { listChanged = true; }
if (apiList.Remove(GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES2)) { listChanged = true; }
if (listChanged) { PlayerSettings.SetGraphicsAPIs(BuildTarget.Android, apiList.ToArray()); }
PlayerSettings.colorSpace = v;
recommendedValue = ColorSpace.Linear,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<UIOrientation>()
settingTitle = "Default Interface Orientation",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.supportWaveVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.defaultInterfaceOrientation,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.defaultInterfaceOrientation = v,
recommendedValue = UIOrientation.LandscapeLeft,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Multithreaded Rendering",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.supportWaveVR,
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.MTRendering,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.MTRendering = v,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.mobileMTRendering,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.mobileMTRendering = v,
recommendedValue = true,
s_settings.Add(new RecommendedSetting<bool>()
settingTitle = "Graphic Jobs",
skipCheckFunc = () => !VIUSettingsEditor.supportWaveVR,
currentValueFunc = () => PlayerSettings.graphicsJobs,
setValueFunc = v => PlayerSettings.graphicsJobs = v,
recommendedValue = true,
private static void WrightVersionCheckLog(string msg)
using (var outputFile = new StreamWriter("VIUVersionCheck.log", true))
outputFile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - " + msg + ". Stop fetching until " + UtcDateTimeFromStr(EditorPrefs.GetString(nextVersionCheckTimeKey)).ToLocalTime().ToString());
// check vive input utility version on github
private static void CheckVersionAndSettings()
if (Application.isPlaying)
EditorApplication.update -= CheckVersionAndSettings;
// fetch new version info from github release site
if (!completeCheckVersionFlow)
if (www == null) // web request not running
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(nextVersionCheckTimeKey) && DateTime.UtcNow < UtcDateTimeFromStr(EditorPrefs.GetString(nextVersionCheckTimeKey)))
completeCheckVersionFlow = true;
www = new WWW(lastestVersionUrl);
if (!www.isDone)
// On Windows, PlaterSetting is stored at \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Unity Technologies\Unity Editor 5.x
EditorPrefs.SetString(nextVersionCheckTimeKey, UtcDateTimeToStr(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(versionCheckIntervalMinutes)));
if (UrlSuccess(www))
latestRepoInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson<RepoInfo>(www.text);
// parse latestVersion and ignoreThisVersionKey
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(latestRepoInfo.tag_name))
latestVersion = new Version(Regex.Replace(latestRepoInfo.tag_name, "[^0-9\\.]", string.Empty));
ignoreThisVersionKey = string.Format(fmtIgnoreUpdateKey, latestVersion.ToString());
latestVersion = default(Version);
ignoreThisVersionKey = string.Empty;
www = null;
completeCheckVersionFlow = true;
showNewVersion = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ignoreThisVersionKey) && !VIUProjectSettings.HasIgnoreKey(ignoreThisVersionKey) && latestVersion > VIUVersion.current;
if (showNewVersion || notifiedSettingsCount > 0)
EditorApplication.update -= CheckVersionAndSettings;
public static void UpdateIgnoredNotifiedSettingsCount(bool drawNotifiedPrompt)
ignoredSettingsCount = 0;
shouldNotifiedSettingsCount = 0;
notifiedSettingsCount = 0;
foreach (var setting in s_settings)
if (setting.SkipCheck()) { continue; }
var isIgnored = setting.IsIgnored();
if (isIgnored) { ++ignoredSettingsCount; }
if (setting.IsUsingRecommendedValue()) { continue; }
else { ++shouldNotifiedSettingsCount; }
if (!isIgnored)
if (drawNotifiedPrompt)
if (notifiedSettingsCount == 1)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Recommended project settings:", MessageType.Warning);
settingScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(settingScrollPosition, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
// Open recommended setting window (with possible new version prompt)
// won't do any thing if the window is already opened
public static void TryOpenRecommendedSettingWindow()
if (recommendedWindowOpened) { return; }
windowInstance = GetWindow<VIUVersionCheck>(true, "Vive Input Utility");
windowInstance.minSize = new Vector2(240f, 550f);
var rect = windowInstance.position;
windowInstance.position = new Rect(Mathf.Max(rect.x, 50f), Mathf.Max(rect.y, 50f), rect.width, 200f + (showNewVersion ? 700f : 400f));
private static DateTime UtcDateTimeFromStr(string str)
var utcTicks = default(long);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || !long.TryParse(str, out utcTicks)) { return DateTime.MinValue; }
return new DateTime(utcTicks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
private static string UtcDateTimeToStr(DateTime utcDateTime)
return utcDateTime.Ticks.ToString();
private static bool UrlSuccess(WWW www)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
// API rate limit exceeded, see https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting
Debug.Log("url:" + www.url);
Debug.Log("error:" + www.error);
if (www.responseHeaders != null)
string responseHeader;
if (www.responseHeaders.TryGetValue("X-RateLimit-Limit", out responseHeader))
Debug.Log("X-RateLimit-Limit:" + responseHeader);
if (www.responseHeaders.TryGetValue("X-RateLimit-Remaining", out responseHeader))
Debug.Log("X-RateLimit-Remaining:" + responseHeader);
if (www.responseHeaders.TryGetValue("X-RateLimit-Reset", out responseHeader))
Debug.Log("X-RateLimit-Reset:" + TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(double.Parse(responseHeader))).ToString());
WrightVersionCheckLog("Failed. Rate limit exceeded");
return false;
if (Regex.IsMatch(www.text, "404 not found", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
Debug.Log("url:" + www.url);
Debug.Log("error:" + www.error);
WrightVersionCheckLog("Failed. 404 not found");
return false;
catch (Exception e)
WrightVersionCheckLog("Failed. " + e.ToString());
return false;
return true;
private string GetResourcePath()
var ms = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(this);
var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ms);
path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
return path.Substring(0, path.Length - "Scripts/Editor".Length) + "Textures/";
public void OnGUI()
if (viuLogo == null)
var currentDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(this)));
var texturePath = currentDir.Substring(0, currentDir.Length - "Scripts/Editor".Length) + "Textures/VIU_logo.png";
viuLogo = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(texturePath);
if (viuLogo != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(position.width, 124, GUI.skin.box), viuLogo, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
if (showNewVersion)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("New version available:", MessageType.Warning);
GUILayout.Label("Current version: " + VIUVersion.current);
GUILayout.Label("New version: " + latestVersion);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(latestRepoInfo.body))
GUILayout.Label("Release notes:");
releaseNoteScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(releaseNoteScrollPosition, GUILayout.Height(250f));
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(latestRepoInfo.body, MessageType.None);
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Get Latest Version", "Goto " + pluginUrl)))
toggleSkipThisVersion = GUILayout.Toggle(toggleSkipThisVersion, "Do not prompt for this version again.");
if (notifiedSettingsCount > 0)
if (ignoredSettingsCount > 0)
if (GUILayout.Button("Clear All Ignores(" + ignoredSettingsCount + ")"))
foreach (var setting in s_settings) { setting.DeleteIgnore(); }
if (GUILayout.Button("Accept All(" + notifiedSettingsCount + ")"))
for (int i = 10; i >= 0 && notifiedSettingsCount > 0; --i)
foreach (var setting in s_settings) { if (!setting.SkipCheck() && !setting.IsIgnored()) { setting.AcceptRecommendValue(); } }
if (GUILayout.Button("Ignore All(" + notifiedSettingsCount + ")"))
foreach (var setting in s_settings) { if (!setting.SkipCheck() && !setting.IsIgnored() && !setting.IsUsingRecommendedValue()) { setting.DoIgnore(); } }
else if (shouldNotifiedSettingsCount > 0)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Some recommended settings ignored.", MessageType.Warning);
if (GUILayout.Button("Clear All Ignores(" + ignoredSettingsCount + ")"))
foreach (var setting in s_settings) { setting.DeleteIgnore(); }
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("All recommended settings applied.", MessageType.Info);
if (VIUProjectSettings.hasChanged)
// save ignore keys
if (GUILayout.Button("Close"))
private void OnDestroy()
if (viuLogo != null)
viuLogo = null;
if (showNewVersion && toggleSkipThisVersion && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ignoreThisVersionKey))
showNewVersion = false;
if (windowInstance == this)
windowInstance = null;