VR模拟枪支打靶,消灭鬼怪,换弹以及上弦等等硬核枪支操作。 使用HTCVive设备,开启SteamVR进行游玩。
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//========= Copyright 2016-2018, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. ===========
using HTC.UnityPlugin.Utility;
using HTC.UnityPlugin.VRModuleManagement;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive
public enum ButtonEventType
/// <summary>
/// Button unpressed at last frame, pressed at this frame
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Button pressed at this frame
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Button pressed at last frame, unpressed at the frame
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Button up at this frame, and last button down time is in certain interval
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Defines virtual buttons for Vive controller
/// </summary>
public enum ControllerButton
None = -1,
// classic buttons
System = 14,
Menu = 4,
MenuTouch = 7,
Trigger = 0, // on:0.55 off:0.45
TriggerTouch = 8, // on:0.25 off:0.20
Pad = 1,
PadTouch = 3,
Grip = 2,
GripTouch = 9,
CapSenseGrip = 10, // on:1.00 off:0.90 // Knuckles, Oculus Touch only
CapSenseGripTouch = 11, // on:0.25 off:0.20 // Knuckles, Oculus Touch only
AKey = 12, // Oculus Touch only, RightHandA or LeftHandX pressed
AKeyTouch = 13, // Oculus Touch only, RightHandA or LeftHandX touched
// button alias
OuterFaceButton = Menu, // 7
OuterFaceButtonTouch = MenuTouch, // 9
InnerFaceButton = Grip, // 2
InnerFaceButtonTouch = GripTouch, // 11
Axis0 = Pad,
Axis1 = Trigger,
Axis2 = CapSenseGrip,
Axis3 = 14,
Axis4 = 15,
Axis0Touch = PadTouch,
Axis1Touch = TriggerTouch,
Axis2Touch = CapSenseGripTouch,
Axis3Touch = 16,
Axis4Touch = 17,
// virtual buttons
HairTrigger = 5, // Pressed if trigger button is pressing, unpressed if trigger button is releasing
FullTrigger = 6, // on:1.00 off:1.00
public enum ControllerAxis
None = -1,
CapSenseGrip, // Knuckles, Oculus Touch only
IndexCurl, // Knuckles only
MiddleCurl, // Knuckles only
RingCurl, // Knuckles only
PinkyCurl, // Knuckles only
public enum ScrollType
None = -1,
public class RawControllerState
public readonly bool[] buttonPress = new bool[ViveInput.CONTROLLER_BUTTON_COUNT];
public readonly float[] axisValue = new float[ViveInput.CONTROLLER_AXIS_COUNT];
/// <summary>
/// Singleton that manage and update controllers input
/// </summary>
public partial class ViveInput : SingletonBehaviour<ViveInput>
public static readonly int CONTROLLER_BUTTON_COUNT = EnumUtils.GetMaxValue(typeof(ControllerButton)) + 1;
public static readonly int CONTROLLER_AXIS_COUNT = EnumUtils.GetMaxValue(typeof(ControllerAxis)) + 1;
public static readonly int BUTTON_EVENT_COUNT = EnumUtils.GetMaxValue(typeof(ButtonEventType)) + 1;
private static readonly CtrlState s_defaultState = new CtrlState();
private static readonly IndexedTable<Type, ICtrlState[]> s_roleStateTable = new IndexedTable<Type, ICtrlState[]>();
private static UnityAction s_onUpdate;
private float m_clickInterval = 0.3f;
private bool m_dontDestroyOnLoad = true;
private UnityEvent m_onUpdate = new UnityEvent();
public static float clickInterval
get { return Instance.m_clickInterval; }
set { Instance.m_clickInterval = Mathf.Max(0f, value); }
public static event UnityAction onUpdate { add { s_onUpdate += value; } remove { s_onUpdate -= value; } }
static ViveInput()
private void OnValidate()
m_clickInterval = Mathf.Max(m_clickInterval, 0f);
protected override void OnSingletonBehaviourInitialized()
if (m_dontDestroyOnLoad && transform.parent == null)
private void Update()
if (!IsInstance) { return; }
for (int i = 0, imax = s_roleStateTable.Count; i < imax; ++i)
var states = s_roleStateTable.GetValueByIndex(i);
if (states == null) { continue; }
foreach (var state in states)
if (state == null) { continue; }
if (s_onUpdate != null) { s_onUpdate(); }
if (m_onUpdate != null) { m_onUpdate.Invoke(); }
private static bool IsValidButton(ControllerButton button) { return button >= 0 && (int)button < CONTROLLER_BUTTON_COUNT; }
private static bool IsValidAxis(ControllerAxis axis) { return axis >= 0 && (int)axis < CONTROLLER_BUTTON_COUNT; }
private static ICtrlState GetState(Type roleType, int roleValue)
var info = ViveRoleEnum.GetInfo(roleType);
if (!info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue)) { return s_defaultState; }
ICtrlState[] stateList;
if (!s_roleStateTable.TryGetValue(roleType, out stateList) || stateList == null)
s_roleStateTable[roleType] = stateList = new ICtrlState[info.ValidRoleLength];
var roleOffset = info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue);
if (stateList[roleOffset] == null)
stateList[roleOffset] = new RCtrlState(roleType, roleValue);
return stateList[roleOffset];
private static ICtrlState<TRole> GetState<TRole>(TRole role)
var info = ViveRoleEnum.GetInfo<TRole>();
if (!info.IsValidRole(role)) { return RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_defaultState; }
if (RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_roleStates == null)
RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_roleStates = new RGCtrolState<TRole>[info.ValidRoleLength];
var roleOffset = info.RoleToRoleOffset(role);
if (RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_roleStates[roleOffset] == null)
RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_roleStates[roleOffset] = new RGCtrolState<TRole>(role);
s_roleStateTable[typeof(TRole)][roleOffset] = RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_roleStates[roleOffset];
return RGCtrolState<TRole>.s_roleStates[roleOffset];