VR模拟枪支打靶,消灭鬼怪,换弹以及上弦等等硬核枪支操作。 使用HTCVive设备,开启SteamVR进行游玩。
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//========= Copyright 2016-2018, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. ===========
using HTC.UnityPlugin.Utility;
using HTC.UnityPlugin.VRModuleManagement;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive
public static partial class ViveRole
public struct MappingChangedEventArg
public int roleValue;
public uint previousDeviceIndex;
public uint currentDeviceIndex;
public struct MappingChangedEventArg<TRole>
public TRole role;
public uint previousDeviceIndex;
public uint currentDeviceIndex;
public interface IMap
ViveRoleEnum.IInfo RoleValueInfo { get; }
IMapHandler Handler { get; }
int BindingCount { get; }
IIndexedTableReadOnly<string, int> BindingTable { get; }
bool IsRoleValueMapped(int roleValue);
bool IsDeviceMapped(uint deviceIndex);
uint GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(int roleValue);
int GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(uint deviceIndex);
[Obsolete("Use BindDeviceToRoleValue instead")]
void BindRoleValue(int roleValue, string deviceSN);
void BindDeviceToRoleValue(string deviceSN, int roleValue);
void BindAll();
bool UnbindRoleValue(int roleValue); // return true if role is ready for bind
bool UnbindDevice(string deviceSN); // return true if device is ready for bind
bool UnbindConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex); // return true if device is ready for bind
void UnbindAll();
bool IsRoleValueBound(int roleValue);
bool IsDeviceBound(string deviceSN);
bool IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(uint deviceIndex);
string GetBoundDeviceByRoleValue(int roleValue);
/// <summary>
/// Should use IsDeviceBound to validate deviceSN before calling this function
/// </summary>
int GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(string deviceSN);
/// <summary>
/// Should use IsDeviceConnectedAndBound to validate deviceIndex before calling this function
/// </summary>
int GetBoundRoleValueByConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex);
event UnityAction<IMap, MappingChangedEventArg> onRoleValueMappingChanged;
private sealed class Map : IMap
private readonly ViveRoleEnum.IInfo m_info;
private IMapHandler m_handler;
private bool m_lockInternalMapping;
// mapping table
private readonly uint[] m_role2index;
private readonly int[] m_index2role;
// binding table
private readonly IndexedSet<uint>[] m_roleBoundDevices; // connected devices only
private readonly IndexedTable<string, int> m_sn2role;
public Map(Type roleType)
m_info = ViveRoleEnum.GetInfo(roleType);
m_role2index = new uint[m_info.ValidRoleLength];
m_index2role = new int[VRModule.MAX_DEVICE_COUNT];
m_roleBoundDevices = new IndexedSet<uint>[m_info.ValidRoleLength];
m_sn2role = new IndexedTable<string, int>(Mathf.Min(m_info.ValidRoleLength, (int)VRModule.MAX_DEVICE_COUNT));
for (int i = 0; i < m_role2index.Length; ++i)
m_role2index[i] = VRModule.INVALID_DEVICE_INDEX;
for (int i = 0; i < m_index2role.Length; ++i)
m_index2role[i] = m_info.InvalidRoleValue;
public ViveRoleEnum.IInfo RoleValueInfo { get { return m_info; } }
public int BindingCount { get { return m_sn2role.Count; } }
public IIndexedTableReadOnly<string, int> BindingTable { get { return m_sn2role.ReadOnly; } }
public IMapHandler Handler
get { return m_handler; }
if (m_handler == value) { return; }
if (m_handler != null)
m_handler = null;
if (value != null)
if (value.BlockBindings)
m_handler = value;
public event UnityAction<IMap, MappingChangedEventArg> onRoleValueMappingChanged;
private string DeviceSN(uint deviceIndex) { return VRModule.GetCurrentDeviceState(deviceIndex).serialNumber; }
public void OnConnectedDeviceChanged(uint deviceIndex, VRModuleDeviceClass deviceClass, string deviceSN, bool connected)
if (connected)
if (IsDeviceBound(deviceSN))
InternalInsertRoleBoundDevice(deviceSN, deviceIndex, GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(deviceSN));
if (IsDeviceMapped(deviceIndex))
if (IsDeviceBound(deviceSN))
InternalRemoveRoleBoundDevice(deviceSN, deviceIndex, GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(deviceSN));
if (IsDeviceMapped(deviceIndex))
InternalUnmapping(GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(deviceIndex), deviceIndex);
if (m_handler != null)
m_handler.OnConnectedDeviceChanged(deviceIndex, deviceClass, deviceSN, connected);
public void OnTrackedDeviceRoleChanged()
if (m_handler != null)
#region retrieve state
public bool IsRoleValueMapped(int roleValue)
if (!m_info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue)) { return false; }
return IsRoleOffsetMapped(m_info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue));
public bool IsRoleOffsetMapped(int roleOffset)
return VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(m_role2index[roleOffset]);
public bool IsDeviceMapped(uint deviceIndex)
return VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(deviceIndex) && m_info.IsValidRoleValue(m_index2role[deviceIndex]);
public bool IsRoleValueBound(int roleValue)
if (!m_info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue)) { return false; }
var roleOffset = m_info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue);
return m_roleBoundDevices[roleOffset] != null && m_roleBoundDevices[roleOffset].Count > 0;
public bool IsDeviceBound(string deviceSN)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceSN) ? false : m_sn2role.ContainsKey(deviceSN);
public bool IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(uint deviceIndex)
return IsDeviceBound(DeviceSN(deviceIndex));
public uint GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(int roleValue)
if (m_info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue))
return m_role2index[m_info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue)];
public int GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(uint deviceIndex)
if (VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(deviceIndex))
return m_index2role[deviceIndex];
return m_info.InvalidRoleValue;
public string GetBoundDeviceByRoleValue(int roleValue)
if (!IsRoleValueBound(roleValue)) { return string.Empty; }
return DeviceSN(GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(roleValue));
public int GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(string deviceSN)
return m_sn2role[deviceSN];
public int GetBoundRoleValueByConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex)
return GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(DeviceSN(deviceIndex));
#endregion retrieve state
#region internal operation
// both roleValue and deviceIndex must be valid
// ignore binding state
private void InternalMapping(int roleValue, uint deviceIndex)
if (m_lockInternalMapping) { throw new Exception("Recursive calling InternalMapping"); }
m_lockInternalMapping = true;
var previousRoleValue = m_index2role[deviceIndex];
if (roleValue == previousRoleValue)
m_lockInternalMapping = false;
if (m_info.IsValidRoleValue(previousRoleValue))
m_lockInternalMapping = false;
InternalUnmapping(previousRoleValue, deviceIndex);
m_lockInternalMapping = true;
var roleOffset = m_info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue);
var previousDeviceIndex = m_role2index[roleOffset];
var eventArg = new MappingChangedEventArg()
roleValue = roleValue,
previousDeviceIndex = previousDeviceIndex,
currentDeviceIndex = deviceIndex,
m_role2index[roleOffset] = deviceIndex;
m_index2role[deviceIndex] = roleValue;
if (VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(previousDeviceIndex))
m_index2role[previousDeviceIndex] = m_info.InvalidRoleValue;
if (onRoleValueMappingChanged != null)
onRoleValueMappingChanged(this, eventArg);
m_lockInternalMapping = false;
// both roleValue and deviceIndex must be valid
// ignore binding state
private void InternalUnmapping(int roleValue, uint deviceIndex)
if (m_lockInternalMapping) { throw new Exception("Recursive calling InternalMapping"); }
m_lockInternalMapping = true;
var roleOffset = m_info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue);
var eventArg = new MappingChangedEventArg()
roleValue = roleValue,
previousDeviceIndex = deviceIndex,
currentDeviceIndex = VRModule.INVALID_DEVICE_INDEX,
m_role2index[roleOffset] = VRModule.INVALID_DEVICE_INDEX;
m_index2role[deviceIndex] = m_info.InvalidRoleValue;
if (onRoleValueMappingChanged != null)
onRoleValueMappingChanged(this, eventArg);
m_lockInternalMapping = false;
// device must be valid and connected and have bound role value
// device must not exist in role bound devices
// boundRoleValue can be whether valid or not
private void InternalInsertRoleBoundDevice(string deviceSN, uint deviceIndex, int boundRoleValue)
if (m_info.IsValidRoleValue(boundRoleValue))
var roleBoundDevices = InternalGetRoleBoundDevices(boundRoleValue);
roleBoundDevices.Add(deviceIndex); // if key already added here, means that this device already in role bound devices
InternalMapping(boundRoleValue, deviceIndex);
// device must be valid and connected and have bound role value
// device must already exist in role bound devices
// boundRoleValue can be whether valid or not
private void InternalRemoveRoleBoundDevice(string deviceSN, uint deviceIndex, int boundRoleValue)
if (m_info.IsValidRoleValue(boundRoleValue))
var roleBoundDevices = InternalGetRoleBoundDevices(boundRoleValue);
if (!roleBoundDevices.Remove(deviceIndex))
throw new Exception("device([" + deviceIndex + "]" + deviceSN + ") has not been InternalMappingRoleBoundDevice");
if (roleBoundDevices.Count > 0)
InternalMapping(boundRoleValue, roleBoundDevices[0]);
// deviceSN must be valid
// device can be whether bound or not
// device can be whether connected or not
private void InternalBind(string deviceSN, int roleValue)
var deviceIndex = VRModule.GetConnectedDeviceIndex(deviceSN);
bool previousIsBound = false;
int previousBoundRoleValue = m_info.InvalidRoleValue;
if (m_sn2role.TryGetValue(deviceSN, out previousBoundRoleValue))
if (previousBoundRoleValue == roleValue) { return; }
previousIsBound = true;
if (VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(deviceIndex))
InternalRemoveRoleBoundDevice(deviceSN, deviceIndex, previousBoundRoleValue);
m_sn2role[deviceSN] = roleValue;
if (VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(deviceIndex))
InternalInsertRoleBoundDevice(deviceSN, deviceIndex, roleValue);
if (m_handler != null)
m_handler.OnBindingRoleValueChanged(deviceSN, previousIsBound, previousBoundRoleValue, true, roleValue);
// deviceSN must be valid
// device must be bound
// device can be whether connected or not
private void InternalUnbind(string deviceSN, int boundRoleValue)
var deviceIndex = VRModule.GetConnectedDeviceIndex(deviceSN);
if (!m_sn2role.Remove(deviceSN))
throw new Exception("device([" + deviceIndex + "]" + deviceSN + ") already unbound");
if (VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(deviceIndex))
InternalRemoveRoleBoundDevice(deviceSN, deviceIndex, boundRoleValue);
if (m_handler != null)
m_handler.OnBindingRoleValueChanged(deviceSN, true, boundRoleValue, false, m_info.InvalidRoleValue);
#endregion internal operation
#region mapping
public void MappingRoleValue(int roleValue, uint deviceIndex)
if (!m_info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot mapping invalid roleValue(" + m_info.RoleEnumType.Name + "[" + roleValue + "])");
if (!VRModule.IsValidDeviceIndex(deviceIndex))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot mapping invalid deviceIndex(" + deviceIndex + ")");
if (IsRoleValueBound(roleValue))
throw new ArgumentException("roleValue(" + m_info.RoleEnumType.Name + "[" + roleValue + "]) is already bound, unbind first.");
if (IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(deviceIndex))
throw new ArgumentException("deviceIndex(" + deviceIndex + ") is already bound, unbind first");
InternalMapping(roleValue, deviceIndex);
// return true if role is ready for mapping
public bool UnmappingRoleValue(int roleValue)
// is mapped?
if (!IsRoleValueMapped(roleValue)) { return false; }
// is bound?
if (IsRoleValueBound(roleValue)) { return false; }
InternalUnmapping(roleValue, GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(roleValue));
return true;
// return true if device is ready for mapping
public bool UnmappingDevice(uint deviceIndex)
// is mapped?
if (!IsDeviceMapped(deviceIndex)) { return false; }
// is bound?
if (IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(deviceIndex)) { return false; }
InternalUnmapping(GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(deviceIndex), deviceIndex);
return true;
public void UnmappingAll()
for (int roleValue = m_info.MinValidRoleValue; roleValue <= m_info.MaxValidRoleValue; ++roleValue)
if (!m_info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue)) { continue; }
#endregion mapping
#region bind
[Obsolete("Use BindDeviceToRoleValue instead")]
public void BindRoleValue(int roleValue, string deviceSN)
BindDeviceToRoleValue(deviceSN, roleValue);
public void BindDeviceToRoleValue(string deviceSN, int roleValue)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceSN))
throw new ArgumentException("deviceSN cannot be null or empty.");
if (m_handler != null && m_handler.BlockBindings) { return; }
InternalBind(deviceSN, roleValue);
// bind all mapped roles & devices
public void BindAll()
if (m_handler != null && m_handler.BlockBindings) { return; }
for (int roleValue = m_info.MinValidRoleValue; roleValue <= m_info.MaxValidRoleValue; ++roleValue)
if (!m_info.IsValidRoleValue(roleValue)) { continue; }
if (IsRoleValueMapped(roleValue) && !IsRoleValueBound(roleValue))
InternalBind(DeviceSN(GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(roleValue)), roleValue);
public bool UnbindRoleValue(int roleValue)
if (!IsRoleValueBound(roleValue)) { return false; }
var roleBoundDevices = InternalGetRoleBoundDevices(roleValue);
var boundDeviceIndex = GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(roleValue);
// unbind other bound device first, to avoid redundent mapping changes event
while (roleBoundDevices.Count > 1)
for (int i = roleBoundDevices.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (roleBoundDevices[i] != boundDeviceIndex)
InternalUnbind(DeviceSN(roleBoundDevices[i]), roleValue);
if (roleBoundDevices.Count == 1)
InternalUnbind(DeviceSN(boundDeviceIndex), roleValue);
return true;
public bool UnbindDevice(string deviceSN)
if (!IsDeviceBound(deviceSN)) { return false; }
InternalUnbind(deviceSN, GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(deviceSN));
return true;
public bool UnbindConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex)
return UnbindDevice(DeviceSN(deviceIndex));
public void UnbindAll()
for (int i = m_sn2role.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
// roleValue must be valid
private IndexedSet<uint> InternalGetRoleBoundDevices(int roleValue)
var roleOffset = m_info.RoleValueToRoleOffset(roleValue);
if (m_roleBoundDevices[roleOffset] == null)
m_roleBoundDevices[roleOffset] = new IndexedSet<uint>();
return m_roleBoundDevices[roleOffset];
#endregion bind
public interface IMap<TRole> : IMap
ViveRoleEnum.IInfo<TRole> RoleInfo { get; }
bool IsRoleMapped(TRole role);
uint GetMappedDeviceByRole(TRole role);
TRole GetMappedRoleByDevice(uint deviceIndex);
[Obsolete("Use BindDeviceToRole instead")]
void BindRole(TRole role, string deviceSN);
void BindDeviceToRole(string deviceSN, TRole role);
bool UnbindRole(TRole role); // return true if role is ready for bind
bool IsRoleBound(TRole role);
string GetBoundDeviceByRole(TRole role);
TRole GetBoundRoleByDevice(string deviceSN);
TRole GetBoundRoleByConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex);
event UnityAction<IMap<TRole>, MappingChangedEventArg<TRole>> onRoleMappingChanged;
private sealed class GenericMap<TRole> : IMap<TRole>
public static GenericMap<TRole> s_instance;
private readonly ViveRoleEnum.IInfo<TRole> m_info;
private readonly Map m_map;
public GenericMap()
m_info = ViveRoleEnum.GetInfo<TRole>();
m_map = GetInternalMap(typeof(TRole));
if (s_instance == null)
s_instance = this;
Debug.LogWarning("duplicated instance for RoleInfo<" + typeof(TRole).Name + ">");
m_map.onRoleValueMappingChanged += OnMappingChanged;
public ViveRoleEnum.IInfo RoleValueInfo { get { return m_map.RoleValueInfo; } }
public ViveRoleEnum.IInfo<TRole> RoleInfo { get { return m_info; } }
public IMapHandler Handler { get { return m_map.Handler; } }
public int BindingCount { get { return m_map.BindingCount; } }
public IIndexedTableReadOnly<string, int> BindingTable { get { return m_map.BindingTable; } }
public event UnityAction<IMap, MappingChangedEventArg> onRoleValueMappingChanged { add { m_map.onRoleValueMappingChanged += value; } remove { m_map.onRoleValueMappingChanged -= value; } }
public event UnityAction<IMap<TRole>, MappingChangedEventArg<TRole>> onRoleMappingChanged;
private void OnMappingChanged(IMap map, MappingChangedEventArg arg)
if (onRoleMappingChanged != null)
onRoleMappingChanged(this, new MappingChangedEventArg<TRole>()
role = m_info.ToRole(arg.roleValue),
previousDeviceIndex = arg.previousDeviceIndex,
currentDeviceIndex = arg.currentDeviceIndex,
public void MappingRole(TRole role, uint deviceIndex) { m_map.MappingRoleValue(m_info.ToRoleValue(role), deviceIndex); }
public void MappingRoleValue(int roleValue, uint deviceIndex) { m_map.MappingRoleValue(roleValue, deviceIndex); }
public bool UnmappingRole(TRole role) { return m_map.UnmappingRoleValue(m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public bool UnmappingRoleValue(int roleValue) { return m_map.UnmappingRoleValue(roleValue); }
public bool UnmappingDevice(uint deviceIndex) { return m_map.UnmappingDevice(deviceIndex); }
public void UnmappingAll() { m_map.UnmappingAll(); }
public bool IsRoleMapped(TRole role) { return m_map.IsRoleValueMapped(m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public bool IsRoleValueMapped(int roleValue) { return m_map.IsRoleValueMapped(roleValue); }
public bool IsDeviceMapped(uint deviceIndex) { return m_map.IsDeviceMapped(deviceIndex); }
public uint GetMappedDeviceByRole(TRole role) { return m_map.GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public TRole GetMappedRoleByDevice(uint deviceIndex) { return m_info.ToRole(m_map.GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(deviceIndex)); }
public uint GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(int roleValue) { return m_map.GetMappedDeviceByRoleValue(roleValue); }
public int GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(uint deviceIndex) { return m_map.GetMappedRoleValueByDevice(deviceIndex); }
[Obsolete("Use BindDeviceToRole instead")]
public void BindRole(TRole role, string deviceSN) { m_map.BindDeviceToRoleValue(deviceSN, m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
[Obsolete("Use BindDeviceToRoleValue instead")]
public void BindRoleValue(int roleValue, string deviceSN) { m_map.BindDeviceToRoleValue(deviceSN, roleValue); }
public void BindDeviceToRole(string deviceSN, TRole role) { m_map.BindDeviceToRoleValue(deviceSN, m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public void BindDeviceToRoleValue(string deviceSN, int roleValue) { m_map.BindDeviceToRoleValue(deviceSN, roleValue); }
public void BindAll() { m_map.BindAll(); }
public bool UnbindRole(TRole role) { return m_map.UnbindRoleValue(m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public bool UnbindRoleValue(int roleValue) { return m_map.UnbindRoleValue(roleValue); }
public bool UnbindDevice(string deviceSN) { return m_map.UnbindDevice(deviceSN); }
public bool UnbindConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex) { return UnbindConnectedDevice(deviceIndex); }
public void UnbindAll() { m_map.UnbindAll(); }
public bool IsRoleBound(TRole role) { return m_map.IsRoleValueBound(m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public bool IsRoleValueBound(int roleValue) { return m_map.IsRoleValueBound(roleValue); }
public bool IsDeviceBound(string deviceSN) { return m_map.IsDeviceBound(deviceSN); }
public bool IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(uint deviceIndex) { return m_map.IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(deviceIndex); }
public TRole GetBoundRoleByDevice(string deviceSN) { return m_info.ToRole(m_map.GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(deviceSN)); }
public TRole GetBoundRoleByConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex) { return m_info.ToRole(m_map.GetBoundRoleValueByConnectedDevice(deviceIndex)); }
public string GetBoundDeviceByRole(TRole role) { return m_map.GetBoundDeviceByRoleValue(m_info.ToRoleValue(role)); }
public string GetBoundDeviceByRoleValue(int roleValue) { return m_map.GetBoundDeviceByRoleValue(roleValue); }
public int GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(string deviceSN) { return m_map.GetBoundRoleValueByDevice(deviceSN); }
public int GetBoundRoleValueByConnectedDevice(uint deviceIndex) { return m_map.GetBoundRoleValueByConnectedDevice(deviceIndex); }
private static IndexedTable<Type, Map> s_mapTable;
private static Map GetInternalMap(Type roleType)
if (s_mapTable == null)
s_mapTable = new IndexedTable<Type, Map>();
Map map;
if (!s_mapTable.TryGetValue(roleType, out map))
var validateResult = ViveRoleEnum.ValidateViveRoleEnum(roleType);
if (validateResult != ViveRoleEnumValidateResult.Valid)
Debug.LogWarning(roleType.Name + " is not valid ViveRole type. " + validateResult);
return null;
map = new Map(roleType);
s_mapTable.Add(roleType, map);
return map;
public static IMap GetMap(Type roleType)
return GetInternalMap(roleType);
private static GenericMap<TRole> GetInternalMap<TRole>()
var roleEnumType = typeof(TRole);
if (GenericMap<TRole>.s_instance == null)
var validateResult = ViveRoleEnum.ValidateViveRoleEnum(roleEnumType);
if (validateResult != ViveRoleEnumValidateResult.Valid)
Debug.LogWarning(roleEnumType.Name + " is not valid ViveRole type. " + validateResult);
return null;
new GenericMap<TRole>();
return GenericMap<TRole>.s_instance;
public static IMap<TRole> GetMap<TRole>()
return GetInternalMap<TRole>();
public static void AssignMapHandler<TRole>(MapHandler<TRole> mapHandler)
GetInternalMap(typeof(TRole)).Handler = mapHandler;