VR模拟枪支打靶,消灭鬼怪,换弹以及上弦等等硬核枪支操作。 使用HTCVive设备,开启SteamVR进行游玩。
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//========= Copyright 2016-2018, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. ===========
using HTC.UnityPlugin.VRModuleManagement;
using System;
namespace HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive
public static partial class ViveRole
public interface IMapHandler
bool BlockBindings { get; }
void OnAssignedAsCurrentMapHandler();
void OnDivestedOfCurrentMapHandler();
void OnConnectedDeviceChanged(uint deviceIndex, VRModuleDeviceClass deviceClass, string deviceSN, bool connected);
void OnTrackedDeviceRoleChanged();
void OnBindingRoleValueChanged(string deviceSN, bool previousIsBound, int previousRoleValue, bool currentIsBound, int currentRoleValue);
public abstract class MapHandler<TRole> : IMapHandler
private readonly GenericMap<TRole> m_map;
public MapHandler()
m_map = GetInternalMap<TRole>();
public IMap<TRole> RoleMap { get { return m_map; } }
public ViveRoleEnum.IInfo<TRole> RoleInfo { get { return m_map.RoleInfo; } }
public bool IsCurrentMapHandler { get { return m_map.Handler == this; } }
public virtual bool BlockBindings { get { return false; } }
public virtual void OnAssignedAsCurrentMapHandler() { }
public virtual void OnDivestedOfCurrentMapHandler() { }
public virtual void OnConnectedDeviceChanged(uint deviceIndex, VRModuleDeviceClass deviceClass, string deviceSN, bool connected) { }
public virtual void OnTrackedDeviceRoleChanged() { }
public virtual void OnBindingChanged(string deviceSN, bool previousIsBound, TRole previousRole, bool currentIsBound, TRole currentRole) { }
public void OnBindingRoleValueChanged(string deviceSN, bool previousIsBound, int previousRoleValue, bool currentIsBound, int currentRoleValue)
OnBindingChanged(deviceSN, previousIsBound, m_map.RoleInfo.ToRole(previousRoleValue), currentIsBound, m_map.RoleInfo.ToRole(currentRoleValue));
protected void MappingRole(TRole role, uint deviceIndex)
if (!IsCurrentMapHandler) { return; }
m_map.MappingRole(role, deviceIndex);
protected void MappingRoleIfUnbound(TRole role, uint deviceIndex)
if (!RoleMap.IsRoleBound(role) && !RoleMap.IsDeviceConnectedAndBound(deviceIndex))
MappingRole(role, deviceIndex);
// return true if role is ready for mapping
protected bool UnmappingRole(TRole role)
if (!IsCurrentMapHandler) { return false; }
return m_map.UnmappingRole(role);
// return true if device is ready for mapping
protected bool UnmappingDevice(uint deviceIndex)
if (!IsCurrentMapHandler) { return false; }
return m_map.UnmappingDevice(deviceIndex);
protected void UnmappingAll()
if (!IsCurrentMapHandler) { return; }