You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
14624 lines
352 KiB
14624 lines
352 KiB
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
arc: |
value: 360 |
mode: 0 |
spread: 0 |
speed: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
EmissionModule: |
enabled: 1 |
serializedVersion: 4 |
rateOverTime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 15 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 1 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
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inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
rateOverDistance: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_BurstCount: 0 |
m_Bursts: [] |
SizeModule: |
enabled: 1 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: -4.3147416 |
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time: 0.19626169 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0.34194028 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 0.5607254 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 0.7014598 |
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time: 0.87066275 |
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time: 0.9953271 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
RotationModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 1 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 3 |
scalar: 6.283185 |
minScalar: -6.283185 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: -1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
separateAxes: 0 |
ColorModule: |
enabled: 1 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 8 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime1: 65535 |
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ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 0.9999 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
startFrame: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
tilesX: 1 |
tilesY: 1 |
animationType: 0 |
rowIndex: 0 |
cycles: 1 |
uvChannelMask: -1 |
flipU: 0 |
flipV: 0 |
randomRow: 1 |
sprites: |
- sprite: {fileID: 0} |
VelocityModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 3 |
scalar: -1 |
minScalar: 1 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: -1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 3 |
scalar: -1 |
minScalar: 1 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: -1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 3 |
scalar: -1 |
minScalar: 1 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: -1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
orbitalX: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
orbitalY: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_Curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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randomizePerFrame: 0 |
ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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z: |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxis: 0 |
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multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1 |
multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1 |
dampen: 1 |
drag: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
NoiseModule: |
enabled: 0 |
strength: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
frequency: 0.5 |
damping: 1 |
octaves: 1 |
octaveMultiplier: 0.5 |
octaveScale: 2 |
quality: 2 |
scrollSpeed: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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SizeBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
separateAxes: 0 |
RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0.7853982 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_Mode: 0 |
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m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
CollisionModule: |
enabled: 0 |
serializedVersion: 3 |
type: 0 |
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colliderForce: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
m_Bounce: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_EnergyLossOnCollision: |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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maxKillSpeed: 10000 |
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collidesWith: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Bits: 4294967295 |
maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
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collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
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TriggerModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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outside: 0 |
enter: 0 |
exit: 0 |
radiusScale: 1 |
SubModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
enabled: 0 |
subEmitters: |
- serializedVersion: 2 |
emitter: {fileID: 0} |
type: 0 |
properties: 0 |
LightsModule: |
enabled: 0 |
ratio: 0 |
light: {fileID: 0} |
randomDistribution: 1 |
color: 1 |
range: 1 |
intensity: 1 |
rangeCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
intensityCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
maxLights: 20 |
TrailModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode: 0 |
ratio: 1 |
lifetime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minVertexDistance: 0.2 |
textureMode: 0 |
ribbonCount: 1 |
worldSpace: 0 |
dieWithParticles: 1 |
sizeAffectsWidth: 1 |
sizeAffectsLifetime: 0 |
inheritParticleColor: 1 |
generateLightingData: 0 |
splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0 |
colorOverLifetime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
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atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
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atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
widthOverTrail: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
colorOverTrail: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
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atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
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atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
CustomDataModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode0: 0 |
vectorComponentCount0: 4 |
color0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
colorLabel0: Color |
vector0_0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_0: X |
vector0_1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_1: Y |
vector0_2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_2: Z |
vector0_3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_3: W |
mode1: 0 |
vectorComponentCount1: 4 |
color1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
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atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
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atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
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atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
colorLabel1: Color |
vector1_0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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vector1_1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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vector1_2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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ShapeModule: |
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value: 1 |
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speed: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
arc: |
value: 360 |
mode: 0 |
spread: 0 |
speed: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
EmissionModule: |
enabled: 1 |
serializedVersion: 4 |
rateOverTime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 3 |
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maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_BurstCount: 0 |
m_Bursts: [] |
SizeModule: |
enabled: 1 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 2 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0.19371724 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
RotationModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0.7853982 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
ColorModule: |
enabled: 1 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 3 |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
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atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
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atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 0.9999 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
startFrame: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
tilesX: 1 |
tilesY: 1 |
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rowIndex: 0 |
cycles: 1 |
uvChannelMask: -1 |
flipU: 0 |
flipV: 0 |
randomRow: 1 |
sprites: |
- sprite: {fileID: 0} |
VelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
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ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
NoiseModule: |
enabled: 0 |
strength: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
frequency: 0.5 |
damping: 1 |
octaves: 1 |
octaveMultiplier: 0.5 |
octaveScale: 2 |
quality: 2 |
scrollSpeed: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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positionAmount: |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
SizeBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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outSlope: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
separateAxes: 0 |
RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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value: 1 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0.7853982 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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atime2: 0 |
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atime4: 0 |
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atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime1: 65535 |
ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
CollisionModule: |
enabled: 0 |
serializedVersion: 3 |
type: 0 |
collisionMode: 0 |
colliderForce: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1 |
plane0: {fileID: 0} |
plane1: {fileID: 0} |
plane2: {fileID: 0} |
plane3: {fileID: 0} |
plane4: {fileID: 0} |
plane5: {fileID: 0} |
m_Dampen: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
m_Bounce: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
m_EnergyLossOnCollision: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minKillSpeed: 0 |
maxKillSpeed: 10000 |
radiusScale: 1 |
collidesWith: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Bits: 4294967295 |
maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
collisionMessages: 0 |
collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
interiorCollisions: 1 |
TriggerModule: |
enabled: 0 |
collisionShape0: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape1: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape2: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape3: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape4: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape5: {fileID: 0} |
inside: 1 |
outside: 0 |
enter: 0 |
exit: 0 |
radiusScale: 1 |
SubModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
enabled: 0 |
subEmitters: |
- serializedVersion: 2 |
emitter: {fileID: 0} |
type: 0 |
properties: 0 |
LightsModule: |
enabled: 0 |
ratio: 0 |
light: {fileID: 0} |
randomDistribution: 1 |
color: 1 |
range: 1 |
intensity: 1 |
rangeCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
intensityCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
maxLights: 20 |
TrailModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode: 0 |
ratio: 1 |
lifetime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minVertexDistance: 0.2 |
textureMode: 0 |
ribbonCount: 1 |
worldSpace: 0 |
dieWithParticles: 1 |
sizeAffectsWidth: 1 |
sizeAffectsLifetime: 0 |
inheritParticleColor: 1 |
generateLightingData: 0 |
splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0 |
colorOverLifetime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
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atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
widthOverTrail: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
colorOverTrail: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
CustomDataModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode0: 0 |
vectorComponentCount0: 4 |
color0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime1: 65535 |
ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
colorLabel0: Color |
vector0_0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_0: X |
vector0_1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_1: Y |
vector0_2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_2: Z |
vector0_3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
vectorLabel0_3: W |
mode1: 0 |
vectorComponentCount1: 4 |
color1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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EmissionModule: |
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SizeModule: |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 0.9953271 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
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outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
RotationModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 3 |
scalar: 6.283185 |
minScalar: -6.283185 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
separateAxes: 0 |
ColorModule: |
enabled: 1 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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atime2: 0 |
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m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 0.9999 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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outWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
tilesX: 1 |
tilesY: 1 |
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rowIndex: 0 |
cycles: 1 |
uvChannelMask: -1 |
flipU: 0 |
flipV: 0 |
randomRow: 1 |
sprites: |
- sprite: {fileID: 0} |
VelocityModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 3 |
scalar: -1 |
minScalar: 1 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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outSlope: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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minScalar: 1 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 0 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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radial: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
speedModifier: |
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scalar: 1 |
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maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
inWorldSpace: 0 |
InheritVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_Curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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inSlope: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
inWorldSpace: 0 |
randomizePerFrame: 0 |
ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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tangentMode: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxis: 0 |
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multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1 |
multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1 |
dampen: 1 |
drag: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
NoiseModule: |
enabled: 0 |
strength: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 1 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
strengthZ: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
frequency: 0.5 |
damping: 1 |
octaves: 1 |
octaveMultiplier: 0.5 |
octaveScale: 2 |
quality: 2 |
scrollSpeed: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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time: 0 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
remap: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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time: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Curve: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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positionAmount: |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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m_Curve: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
sizeAmount: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
SizeBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
z: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
separateAxes: 0 |
RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
y: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
curve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0.7853982 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
separateAxes: 0 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 1 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime1: 65535 |
ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
CollisionModule: |
enabled: 0 |
serializedVersion: 3 |
type: 0 |
collisionMode: 0 |
colliderForce: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0 |
multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1 |
plane0: {fileID: 0} |
plane1: {fileID: 0} |
plane2: {fileID: 0} |
plane3: {fileID: 0} |
plane4: {fileID: 0} |
plane5: {fileID: 0} |
m_Dampen: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
m_Bounce: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
m_EnergyLossOnCollision: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 0 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minKillSpeed: 0 |
maxKillSpeed: 10000 |
radiusScale: 1 |
collidesWith: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Bits: 4294967295 |
maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
collisionMessages: 0 |
collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
interiorCollisions: 1 |
TriggerModule: |
enabled: 0 |
collisionShape0: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape1: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape2: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape3: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape4: {fileID: 0} |
collisionShape5: {fileID: 0} |
inside: 1 |
outside: 0 |
enter: 0 |
exit: 0 |
radiusScale: 1 |
SubModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
enabled: 0 |
subEmitters: |
- serializedVersion: 2 |
emitter: {fileID: 0} |
type: 0 |
properties: 0 |
LightsModule: |
enabled: 0 |
ratio: 0 |
light: {fileID: 0} |
randomDistribution: 1 |
color: 1 |
range: 1 |
intensity: 1 |
rangeCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
intensityCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
maxLights: 20 |
TrailModule: |
enabled: 0 |
mode: 0 |
ratio: 1 |
lifetime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
scalar: 1 |
minScalar: 0 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 1 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 1 |
inSlope: 1 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 0 |
value: 0 |
inSlope: 0 |
outSlope: 0.5 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
time: 1 |
value: 0.5 |
inSlope: 0.5 |
outSlope: 0 |
tangentMode: 0 |
weightedMode: 0 |
inWeight: 0.33333334 |
outWeight: 0.33333334 |
m_PreInfinity: 2 |
m_PostInfinity: 2 |
m_RotationOrder: 4 |
minVertexDistance: 0.2 |
textureMode: 0 |
ribbonCount: 1 |
worldSpace: 0 |
dieWithParticles: 1 |
sizeAffectsWidth: 1 |
sizeAffectsLifetime: 0 |
inheritParticleColor: 1 |
generateLightingData: 0 |
splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0 |
colorOverLifetime: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
minMaxState: 0 |
minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
maxGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
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ctime2: 0 |
ctime3: 0 |
ctime4: 0 |
ctime5: 0 |
ctime6: 0 |
ctime7: 0 |
atime0: 0 |
atime1: 65535 |
atime2: 0 |
atime3: 0 |
atime4: 0 |
atime5: 0 |
atime6: 0 |
atime7: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
m_NumColorKeys: 2 |
m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
minGradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0} |
ctime0: 0 |
ctime1: 65535 |
ctime2: 0 |
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