VR模拟枪支打靶,消灭鬼怪,换弹以及上弦等等硬核枪支操作。 使用HTCVive设备,开启SteamVR进行游玩。
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
2.6 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System;
public class ExamplesController : MonoBehaviour {
public class Example
public string Name;
public string Description;
public GameObject Prefab;
public Example[] m_Examples;
public GameObject m_Canvas = null;
public Slider m_ExamplesSlider = null;
private Text m_Decription = null;
private Text m_DecriptionTitle = null;
private GameObject m_CurrentPrefab = null;
private int m_CurrentExample = 0;
void Start()
m_Decription = GameObject.Find ("ExampleDescription").GetComponent<Text>();
m_DecriptionTitle = GameObject.Find ("ExampleDescriptionTitle").GetComponent<Text>();
activateExample (0);
if (m_ExamplesSlider != null) {
m_ExamplesSlider.maxValue = (int)(m_Examples.Length -1);
public void NextExample() {
if (m_Examples[m_CurrentExample].Prefab != m_CurrentPrefab && m_CurrentPrefab != null)
Destroy (m_CurrentPrefab);
m_CurrentExample ++;
ClampExampleCount ();
m_CurrentPrefab = GameObject.Instantiate (m_Examples[m_CurrentExample].Prefab);
if (m_Decription != null)
m_Decription.text = m_Examples [m_CurrentExample].Description;
if (m_DecriptionTitle != null)
m_DecriptionTitle.text = m_Examples [m_CurrentExample].Name;
public void PreviousExample() {
if (m_Examples[m_CurrentExample].Prefab != m_CurrentPrefab && m_CurrentPrefab != null)
Destroy (m_CurrentPrefab);
m_CurrentExample --;
ClampExampleCount ();
m_CurrentPrefab = GameObject.Instantiate (m_Examples[m_CurrentExample].Prefab);
if (m_Decription != null)
m_Decription.text = m_Examples [m_CurrentExample].Description;
if (m_DecriptionTitle != null)
m_DecriptionTitle.text = m_Examples [m_CurrentExample].Name;
private void ClampExampleCount() {
if (m_CurrentExample < 0)
m_CurrentExample = m_Examples.Length - 1;
if (m_CurrentExample > m_Examples.Length - 1)
m_CurrentExample = 0;
public void activateExampleFromSlider () {
if (m_ExamplesSlider != null) {
public void activateExample(int index)
index = Mathf.Clamp (index, 0, m_Examples.Length - 1);
if (m_CurrentPrefab != m_Examples [index].Prefab)
if (m_CurrentPrefab != null) {
Destroy (m_CurrentPrefab);
m_CurrentPrefab = null;
m_CurrentPrefab = Instantiate (m_Examples [index].Prefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
if (m_Decription != null) {
m_Decription.text = m_Examples [index].Description;
if (m_DecriptionTitle != null) {
m_DecriptionTitle.text = m_Examples [index].Name;