VR模拟枪支打靶,消灭鬼怪,换弹以及上弦等等硬核枪支操作。 使用HTCVive设备,开启SteamVR进行游玩。
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#include "EMParticleFunctions.cginc"
struct SurfaceOutputSmoke
fixed3 Albedo;
fixed3 Normal;
fixed3 Emission;
half Specular;
fixed Gloss;
fixed Alpha;
fixed AlphaMap;
inline fixed4 LightingSmoke (SurfaceOutputSmoke s, fixed3 lightDir, fixed atten)
fixed diff;
fixed thickness = 1-_Thickness;
//bump the alpha to get more visible details
fixed alphaMap = _AlphaInfluence * saturate(1-s.AlphaMap + _AlphaContrast);
fixed transmission = thickness + alphaMap;
diff = saturate((dot(s.Normal, lightDir) + transmission) / ((1 + transmission) * (1 + transmission)));
diff = saturate((dot(s.Normal, lightDir) + thickness) / ((1 + thickness) * (1 + thickness)));
fixed4 c;
c.rgb = s.Albedo * _LightColor0.rgb * diff * atten;
c.a = s.Alpha;
return c;