17 changed files with 646 additions and 172 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using JXSoft; |
public class JsonIOExample : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
// Start is called before the first frame update |
void Start() |
{ |
JsonIOUtility jsonData = new JsonIOUtility(); |
jsonData.setData(new MyItemData(1,"破碎的宝剑")); |
jsonData.SaveToJsonFile(); |
} |
// Update is called once per frame |
void Update() |
{ |
} |
} |
public class MyItemData { |
public int itemId; |
public string itemName; |
public MyItemData(int itemId,string itemName) { |
this.itemId = itemId; |
this.itemName = itemName; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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externalObjects: {} |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine; |
public class JsonIOEditor : EditorWindow |
{ |
public TextAsset JsonSaved; |
[MenuItem("JXSoft/JsonIOTools/JsonLoader")] |
static void Init() |
{ |
var window = GetWindow<JsonIOEditor>(); |
window.Show(); |
} |
void OnGUI() |
{ |
JsonSaved = (TextAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("SaveData", JsonSaved,typeof(TextAsset), true); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 8f56669610d9adf45b3002e5db24ff7c |
MonoImporter: |
externalObjects: {} |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using QFramework; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Events; |
namespace TCPClientTools { |
//任何通讯类围绕DataEventModel进行 |
public abstract class DataEventModel : AbstractModel, ICanSendCommand, ICanRegisterEvent |
{ |
public IOCContainer mCommandContainer = new IOCContainer(); |
public UnityStringEvent onDataRecived = new UnityStringEvent(); |
public void sendResponseCommand<T>(string json) where T : IResponse, new() |
{ |
if (mCommandContainer.Get<ExcuteResponseCommand<T>>() == null) |
{ |
mCommandContainer.Register(new ExcuteResponseCommand<T>(new T())); |
} |
mCommandContainer.Get<ExcuteResponseCommand<T>>().setJson(json); |
this.SendCommand(mCommandContainer.Get<ExcuteResponseCommand<T>>()); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 开启接收指定数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <typeparam name="T">数据格式类型</typeparam> |
public void onReceive<T>() where T : IResponse, new() |
{ |
onDataRecived.AddListener(sendResponseCommand<T>); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 关闭接收指定数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <typeparam name="T">数据格式类型</typeparam> |
public void offReceive<T>() where T : IResponse, new() |
{ |
onDataRecived.RemoveListener(sendResponseCommand<T>); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 发送数据 |
/// </summary> |
/// <typeparam name="T">数据类型</typeparam> |
/// <param name="request">请求数据</param> |
public void sendRequestCommand<T>(T request) where T : IRequest |
{ |
if (mCommandContainer.Get<SendRequestCommand<T>>() == null) |
{ |
mCommandContainer.Register(new SendRequestCommand<T>(request)); |
} |
mCommandContainer.Get<SendRequestCommand<T>>().setRequest(request); |
this.SendCommand(mCommandContainer.Get<SendRequestCommand<T>>()); |
} |
} |
#region Command |
/// <summary> |
/// 处理响应数据,添加对应的Command进行处理,需要提前生成命令池 |
/// </summary> |
/// <typeparam name="TResponse">响应数据格式</typeparam> |
public class ExcuteResponseCommand<TResponse> : AbstractCommand where TResponse : IResponse |
{ |
public string json; |
private TResponse response; |
public ExcuteResponseCommand(TResponse response) |
{ |
if (this.response == null) |
{ |
this.response = response; |
} |
} |
protected override void OnExecute() |
{ |
bool isSet = response.trySetData(json); |
if (isSet) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Received:" + response.toJson() + response.GetType()); |
this.SendEvent(new ResponseMsgEvent(response)); |
} |
} |
public void setJson(string json) |
{ |
this.json = json; |
} |
} |
public class SendRequestCommand<TRequest> : AbstractCommand where TRequest : IRequest |
{ |
public TRequest request; |
public SendRequestCommand(TRequest request) |
{ |
this.request = request; |
} |
protected override void OnExecute() |
{ |
if (this.GetUtility<TCPUtility>().isOpenTCP) |
{ |
this.GetUtility<TCPUtility>().sendData(request.toJson()); |
} |
else |
{ |
Debug.LogWarning("请先开启TCP链接"); |
} |
//throw new NotImplementedException(); |
} |
public void setRequest(TRequest request) |
{ |
this.request = request; |
} |
} |
#endregion |
#region interface |
public interface IResponse |
{ |
string toJson(); |
/// <summary> |
/// 尝试填充数据,如果json不合法,则返回false,忽略该条数据响应 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="json"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
bool trySetData(string json); |
string getException(); |
} |
public interface IRequest |
{ |
string toJson(); |
} |
#endregion |
#region AbstractClass |
/// <summary> |
/// 使用抽象类时,必须满足可序列化 |
/// </summary> |
[Serializable] |
public abstract class AbstractResponse : IResponse |
{ |
private string exceptionMsg; |
public virtual string toJson() |
{ |
return JsonUtility.ToJson(this, true); |
} |
public virtual bool trySetData(string json) |
{ |
try |
{ |
JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, this); |
return true; |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
exceptionMsg = e.ToString(); |
return false; |
} |
} |
public string getException() |
{ |
return exceptionMsg; |
} |
} |
#endregion |
#region event |
public struct ResponseMsgEvent |
{ |
public IResponse res; |
public ResponseMsgEvent(IResponse res_) |
{ |
res = res_; |
} |
}; |
#endregion |
[Serializable] |
public class UnityStringEvent : UnityEvent<string> |
{ |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue