金铉Unity插件库 Unity版本2018.4.32f 目前包含本地化存储功能(根据类名存储读写),TCP客户端监听类型功能
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using UnityEngine;
using QFrameworkCP;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
public class UDPUtility : IUtility
public string udpAddress;
public int udpPort;
public UdpClient udpClient;
public NetworkStream sendStream;
public bool isOpenUDP = false;
public bool isReceivedValue = false;
public string receivedData = "";
public string exceptionData = "";
public Thread reciveT;
public bool isTimeOut = false;
public UDPUtility()
public UDPUtility(string UDPAddress, int UDPPort)
this.udpAddress = UDPAddress;
this.udpPort = UDPPort;
StartUDPClient(UDPAddress, UDPPort);
public bool StartUDPClient(string ip, int port)
isTimeOut = false;
if (!isOpenUDP)
udpAddress = ip;
udpPort = port;
udpClient = new UdpClient(udpAddress, udpPort);
catch (Exception e)
exceptionData = e.ToString();
return false;
isOpenUDP = true;
reciveT = new Thread(RecciveMsg);
reciveT.IsBackground = true;
return true;
return false;
public void CloseUDPClient()
isOpenUDP = false;
public void sendData(string data)
if (isOpenUDP == false)
Byte[] sendBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(data);
udpClient.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length);
public void RecciveMsg()
string msg = "";
while (isOpenUDP)
IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
Byte[] receiveBytes = udpClient.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint);
msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receiveBytes);
if (msg != "")
receivedData = msg;
isReceivedValue = true;
catch (Exception e)
isTimeOut = true;
exceptionData = e.ToString();
Debug.Log("------------end While-------------");
/// <summary>
/// 线程接收到消息后
/// </summary>
/// <returns>接收到的消息</returns>
public string getReceivedValue()
if (isReceivedValue)
isReceivedValue = false;
return receivedData;
return "";
public bool getTimeOutState()
return isTimeOut;
public bool IsReceivedMsg()
return sendStream.Length != 0;
public bool IsConnected()
return udpClient.Client.Connected;