陀螺仪结合Unity姿态孪生Demo演示 硬件使用:MPU6050,MPU9250。 MCU使用:ESP8266。 自备串口TTL读取工具。 固件选择:MicroPython&NodeMCU。 拷贝Assets\ESP8266Program中对应脚本到MCU内存中运行即可,连接串口后,串口收到消息时,打开Unity运行对应程序即可看到陀螺仪模块的姿态孪生(旋转角度会和陀螺仪保持一致)
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release.

0.3.0 - 2020-03-22


  • Support for internal temperature sensor (#1, #9, #18)
  • Support for gyro calibration (#5, #10)


  • Support for standalone MPU6500 sensors (#15, #16)


  • Move I2C bypass initialisation from MPU6500 to MPU9250 (#17)

0.2.1 - 2019-02-07


  • Gyro degrees to radians conversion (#8).

0.2.0- 2018-04-08


  • Support for magnetometer factory sensitivity adjustement values ASAX, ASAY and ASAZ.
  • Support for setting magnetometer offset and scale calibration values.
    ak8963 = AK8963(
        offset=(-136.8931640625, -160.482421875, 59.02880859375),
        scale=(1.18437220840483, 0.923895823933424, 0.931707933618979)
  • Method for retrieving the magnetometer offset and scale calibration values.
    ak8963 = AK8963(i2c)
    offset, scale = ak8963.calibrate(count=256, delay=200)

0.1.0 - 2018-02-17

Initial working release.