import RPi.GPIO as gpio import time import dhtsensor gpio.setwarnings(False) gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) time.sleep(1) data = [] def delay(i): # 20*i usdelay a = 0 for j in range(i): a + 1 j = 0 # start work gpio.setup(12, gpio.OUT) # gpio.output(12,gpio.HIGH) # delay(10) gpio.output(12, gpio.LOW) time.sleep(0.02) gpio.output(12, gpio.HIGH) i = 1 i = 1 # wait to response gpio.setup(12, gpio.IN) while gpio.input(12) == 1: continue while gpio.input(12) == 0: continue while gpio.input(12) == 1: continue # get data while j < 40: k = 0 while gpio.input(12) == 0: continue while gpio.input(12) == 1: k += 1 if k > 100: break if k < 3: data.append(0) else: data.append(1) j += 1 print("Sensor is working") # get temperature humidity_bit = data[0:8] humidity_point_bit = data[8:16] temperature_bit = data[16:24] temperature_point_bit = data[24:32] check_bit = data[32:40] humidity = 0 humidity_point = 0 temperature = 0 temperature_point = 0 check = 0 for i in range(8): humidity += humidity_bit[i] * 2 ** (7 - i) humidity_point += humidity_point_bit[i] * 2 ** (7 - i) temperature += temperature_bit[i] * 2 ** (7 - i) temperature_point += temperature_point_bit[i] * 2 ** (7 - i) check += check_bit[i] * 2 ** (7 - i) tmp = humidity + humidity_point + temperature + temperature_point if check == tmp: print("temperature is ", temperature, "wet is ", humidity, "%") else: print("something is worong the humidity,humidity_point,temperature,temperature_point,check is", humidity, humidity_point, temperature, temperature_point, check)