// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' Shader "Unity Shaders Book/Chapter 13/Fog With Depth Texture" { Properties { _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} _FogDensity ("Fog Density", Float) = 1.0 _FogColor ("Fog Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) _FogStart ("Fog Start", Float) = 0.0 _FogEnd ("Fog End", Float) = 1.0 } SubShader { CGINCLUDE #include "UnityCG.cginc" float4x4 _FrustumCornersRay; sampler2D _MainTex; half4 _MainTex_TexelSize; sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture; half _FogDensity; fixed4 _FogColor; float _FogStart; float _FogEnd; struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; half2 uv : TEXCOORD0; half2 uv_depth : TEXCOORD1; float4 interpolatedRay : TEXCOORD2; }; v2f vert(appdata_img v) { v2f o; o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); o.uv = v.texcoord; o.uv_depth = v.texcoord; #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0) o.uv_depth.y = 1 - o.uv_depth.y; #endif int index = 0; if (v.texcoord.x < 0.5 && v.texcoord.y < 0.5) { index = 0; } else if (v.texcoord.x > 0.5 && v.texcoord.y < 0.5) { index = 1; } else if (v.texcoord.x > 0.5 && v.texcoord.y > 0.5) { index = 2; } else { index = 3; } #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0) index = 3 - index; #endif o.interpolatedRay = _FrustumCornersRay[index]; return o; } fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target { float linearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv_depth)); float3 worldPos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos + linearDepth * i.interpolatedRay.xyz; float fogDensity = (_FogEnd - worldPos.y) / (_FogEnd - _FogStart); fogDensity = saturate(fogDensity * _FogDensity); fixed4 finalColor = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv); finalColor.rgb = lerp(finalColor.rgb, _FogColor.rgb, fogDensity); return finalColor; } ENDCG Pass { ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag ENDCG } } FallBack Off }