冯乐乐的《Unity Shader入门精要》附带项目,其中部分shader已经修改测试
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
[RequireComponent (typeof(Camera))]
public class PostEffectsBase : MonoBehaviour {
// Called when start
protected void CheckResources() {
bool isSupported = CheckSupport();
if (isSupported == false) {
// Called in CheckResources to check support on this platform
protected bool CheckSupport() {
if (SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects == false || SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures == false) {
Debug.LogWarning("This platform does not support image effects or render textures.");
return false;
return true;
// Called when the platform doesn't support this effect
protected void NotSupported() {
enabled = false;
protected void Start() {
// Called when need to create the material used by this effect
protected Material CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(Shader shader, Material material) {
if (shader == null) {
return null;
if (shader.isSupported && material && material.shader == shader)
return material;
if (!shader.isSupported) {
return null;
else {
material = new Material(shader);
material.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
if (material)
return material;
return null;